The Advance Party of Canada


Canada Federal Election 2019

Instead, Harmful Ideology and indoctrinations are taught to our kids and seniors so that BIG MONEY and Foreign Interference campaigns can tell us anything we want to hear in elections – to win POWER

Canada is the worst-run country in the world because Our Voting Booths offer COLLAPSE 100%

VOTE FOR ADVANCE   Leadership that solves PROBLEMS, instead of creating and then hiding them

Join Us on  The ADVANCE Party of Canada on Facebook The Advance Party of Canada on Twitter



Advance is a CALL FOR ACTION! If Canada’s collapse has somehow been hidden from you, we lose half our economy – $4 billion per day, 1.5% of our people and culture annually, with open borders while Canadian men are banned from employment and incomes by Bill C-25

Mouse traps like this, work because the mouse never wonders where the free cheese came from

Democratic elections are won with advertising money; hundreds of millions of dollars annually, much of it public money as well! Big Business and SuperPACs are not going to pay for an actual Leadership Party like they pay our Left and Right groups to change nothing and to hide collapse in Canada. Our collapse is planned the same as in 90% of large collapsing democracies today

The cost of being able to vote for an Advance Party in Canada is a Timmy’s sandwich, so buy your family a future! Invest in Advance!

$5 or $10 One-time or Monthly – Donate today to get an Advance Party leader onto your ballet

The Advance Party of Canada GoFundMe Campaign

We should be the UAE of the North!

The UAE has one million citizens and nine million VISA carrying workers; it is 1/100th our size (a 43-degree sand bar) and yet it has one-quarter of Canada’s economy, with no homelessness, no income taxes, free university, free healthcare, it SEEDs innovation, and its citizens are the richest in the world. All Monarchies have outperformed the G7 for 25 years now – because they have responsible leadership. Let’s build real goals and a government that works for the people now also!

CANADA loses 60% of its economy today – $4 billion daily to poor leadership. Businesses in Canada have sent us to 1930s levels of Production Growth while our citizens can’t afford food and rent much less homes. Clear media and government lying, grade school to university indoctrination, and broad social collapses across the country are real, while other countries with less of every resource and infrastructure boast higher productivity

Proven Turn Around

The Advance Party is a Certified and Monitored ACT Thesis party with a scientific Standard of Research. ACT Parties are the creation of a leading Canadian researcher in data science and evidence-based Civic Science and Leadership, and is designed to reliably correct today’s 90% (54) collapsing large democracies – in Canada, the US, France, Great Britain, and everywhere else

By Charter, the ADVANCE Party are expert Country Builders who can only support policies and Constitutions that are proven successful. No cherry-picking and no guesswork are allowed; just proven leadership

Without regulations on elected parties, its too easy for Oligarchies to simply fund political parties that collapse that benefits their harmful ideology and fill ballot cards with their teams, as Mark Twain noticed in his famous quote:

“If voting mattered, we would not be allowed to do it”

Who are we?

Canadian soldiers risked their lives for our future. By rights, we should be the richest citizens in the world, but today we can vote only for embarrassingly weak leaders who support globalist planning and teach our children harmful ideologies while telling us anything we want to hear to win elections and power

After World War II, FDR’s Second Bill of Rights policies created the greatest economy in history. EVERY nation that added those human rights to their Constitutions are advancing today; EVERY  nation that did not is collapsing today. We can’t even vote for ADVANCE, our universities don’t teach this and our ballot cards are filled with foreign-funded groups that don’t support it. How did this happen?

Understand Canada’s Problems

“The first step in solving any problem is recognizing that you have a problem” – Zig Ziglar

Never confuse a group that lists problems, with a group that can or will correct those problems. Conservatives will be in Davos with WEF just as Liberals are, and accountability or change will NEVER be tabled once power is won

Canada is  – One of the worst-run high-income countries in the world. #38 on The SCP Report, 138th worst suicide nation in the world, we lose $4 billion a day – $1.5 trillion a year, 60% of our economy, and 1.5% of our population – to our lowest annual productivity since the 1930s, starvation wages, and inflation.

There is no homelessness in other countries that have outperformed the G7 for 25 years now. The UAE has 1/4th our economy, no income tax, free education, AND an actual space program

Canadians want – Freedom, Homes, Good lives in a well-led, productive, and sustainably successful, and globally respected nation

Canadians Want ADVANCE

“Right” and  “Left” ideologies, incompetent politicians, ridiculous academia, Right, and Left aren’t real; these are made-up and harmful fictions sponsored by political groups that collapse any nation. SAY NO TO COLLAPSE! SAY NO TO INDOCTRINATION!

National Civic Leadership

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS Vote for a LIST (A Constitution) of proven policies
– and not just one or two points that advertisers can “catch your attention with”!

Canada Federal Election 2019

Vote only for Sustainable Policy – anything else is Socially Irresponsible

Left and Right Ideology Parties tell us anything we want to hear today, and then have to hide both science and our collapse once in power

Franklin Delano Roosevelt created the greatest economy in history using ten policies (ten human rights) that make any nation successful. His Second Bill of Rights built the greatest economy in history, just as the Canadian Bill of Rights built a great Canada

The US Constitution and Canadian CCRF created the Great Depression, and today’s hidden depression too

FDR and John Diefenbaker proved that it takes not one or two “wants”, but a “LIST” to create an amazing society and economy

A list of proven policies is essential, while election campaigns that ask us to call their harmful ideologies “values”, trick us into failing a voter’s duty of critical thinking

EVERY nation that follows FDR’s list is advancing today

EVERY nation that follows the US or Canadian Right and Left ideology is collapsing

Why are we not taught these facts in schools and in civic sciences?! See the statistics here

Good Values – are Good (empathy in actions and law), Respect (of individuals, family members, neighbors and foreigners), and Human Advance

Everything else is ideology – and ALL ideologies ask you to accept their utopia as values, morality, ethics, and are harmful and far from good values or in your benefit – NAZIism, Neoliberalism, Libertarian, Feminist, and Diversity hiring laws have eliminated family pensions in Canada and created a national population genocide of 1.5% annually for 20-years now. That’s 30% of our population – GONE now! A Crime Against Humanity equal to WWII Poland’s highest losses – to win votes and power for reprehensible individuals

Canadians were taught values with the teaching tools of a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit


Does Canada run FDR’s proven policies today?

  1. Nationalism & Culture – No – Canada does not run sustainable policies today. Self-sufficiency and protection from foreign competition are essential. When a tree is taken in Sweden, four more are planted; so when an income is taken in Canada, at least one new income must replace it – and Canada has lost 800,000 jobs since 2008. Immigration and Technology Hiring pulls in 600,000 cheap labour workers annually – during a mature capitalism and hyper-competition. Germany requires every new immigrant to ensure five full-time jobs, and no country on the planet permits the offshoring or onshoring of engineering as Canada does; other nations train their own experts. Without infrastructure or income in Canada; Immigration is an unsustainable policy. Respect and Good are essential in any civilization, where Diversity policies drive unsustainable fertility rates (1.6), offshoring, onshoring, sexism, ageism, and racism policies in hiring, lending, and public investment policies
  2. Social ContractNo. Canadians are torn down today, and ranked just 36th in Social Contract in 2019. In any democracy, 51% have what they need, but Low Social Contracts now cost Canada an unreported $4 billion dollars a day in lost productivity. Worse, Canadians ARE denied food and shelter – in peacetime; as was the harsh reality of wartime Germany in the 1940s. It’s not Canadian, and it is a hidden national humiliation
  3. Full-EmploymentNo. Access to Incomes that exceed Cost of Living is essential. 90% of 50-year-old men cannot find a living income in Canada, and 20-somethings are the poorest since the 1930s due to starvation wages
  4. EmpathyNo. Canadians stand by quietly and let their neighbours die today – as a sad fact The first three policies above turned around Germany’s economy in the early 1930s also. Then a systemic failure of empathy undid any good done. Canada’s Social Tribunals use our laws and insufficient support, to fail empathy and human rights every day in Canada. Our suicide rates prove that life is much harder, and our supports are much less than they should ever be
  5. Affordable Home OwnershipNo. Homeownership is a human right. This policy set successful capitalist nations in the west apart from less-comfortable nations in eastern and Latin nations, but the west has lost all those gains now as we’ve been misled back to 1965 levels of homeownership – in just the past 15 years, with THE BIG PLUNGE
    Housing price rises in Canada highest in G20

    Housing Price-rises in Canada are the highest in the G20

  6. Low Cost of Living – No. Run-away housing, food, construction, fuel, and energy costs keep many Canadians two paychecks away from destitution and create a Productivity problem not seen since the 1930s in Canada
  7. Income and Wealth DistributionNo. Canada’s income inequality has increased by 20% since 2010 and reduced access to income has driven higher Wealth inequality due to housing bubbles
  8. FDR ran a 20-year program of 92% income tax and 80% estate tax for the country’s highest-income centers
    Top Tax Rates

    Historic Income Tax – Top Percentile

    Inheritance Tax

    100-years of Inheritance Tax – Top Percentile

    Income Inequity

    Income GINIs of .24 enabled the greatest boom in history

    Note how the changes that Reagan introduced in the 1980s, recreated an inequity problem for the US; and the same is true in Canada as well What did Canada do – instead of correcting inequality? We printed $400-billion in new debt and gave it to stock markets 85% owned by the top 10% rich, or we gave it to big multinational businesses that have hobbled our supply chains, created runaway inflation, and bought out competitors (and redundancy) from our national social infrastructures

  9. Debt and Debt ForgivenessNo. National debts of most countries in Europe were written down in the 1930s. Today, debt in every nation is spiraling due to failed economic theory, and the problem is completely ignored as well.
  10. Single Income FamiliesNo. Canada is more respectful of women than 98% of nations in the world – as we should be. Female Equality campaigns win elections in 64 of 70 high-income nations, but then they also create a national genocide of 30% of the population every 20 years, while keeping truly-reprehensible individuals in power. In Canada, Diversity and Female hiring quotas created laws to ensure sexism, ageism, racism, and a suicidal 1.47 child per woman birthrate (2.3 children per woman is a sustainable fertility rate, and 3.0 is a growing population). We teach our young women from Grade 2, that starvation wages and cubicles are more important than family values, and it’s killing 1.5% of the country – 600,000 infants annually. Iceland was the first nation to elect a female President, and then they had to install laws to prevent offices from filling 100% with women who hired themselves to the point of a national extinction of their population, language, and culture
  11. OpportunityNo. Horrible jobs, horrible managers, horrible mobility, and horrible wages is Canada today – as seen in our Great Resignation.
    We report record food bank and homeslessness right beside clear lies about unfilled jobs.
    Our Finance Industry’s investment and Business hiring policies are proven to collapse most laissez-faire societies and economies – and this is always true in any mature capitalism, so poor leadership is to blame 100%.
  12. Creating profit and wealth while shrinking an entire economic “pie”, creates a countdown to zero, a Tytler cycle, and a tactical zero-sum gain.
    It’s not leadership, its not education, and its definitely not responsible democratic voting either

    Scale-up trickle-down is the norm for 99.9% all government supports and investment in Canada – as it is with both federal and provincial corporate welfare spending as well. SEED creates opportunity and this explains why Canada is at its lowest Production Growth levels since the 1930s

How does Advance’s Leadership Solve this problem?

Advance implements the highest-probability-of-success policy needed to build a larger economy and personal prosperity, freedom, and happiness at the same time

Does the economy come first, or does Social Contract come first? Strong Social Contracts build strong economies 100%; as a scientific fact, our people are our greatest resource

We responsibly implement sustainable policies in a safe, pragmatic Right Plan and SUSTAIN Project Method, proven epistemology that ensures people are not harmed by the needed change

Timelines, descriptions of Who does What, When, Where, and How; Monitoring, Reporting, and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) documented explanations for how corrections will be handled should changes not achieve their targets


Get Canadians back in homes

Funding Advance events turns around absent government that today ignores the highest poverty levels since the 1930s.

We’ve devolved into Groomers in an Evil Nation

Advance Parties are not religious but we are Civic Scientists, which means that we realize that “woke” ideas are something that even the Bible’s observation-based civics lessons and scholars warned us against 3,500 years ago. Their term for harmful ideologies was “False Idols” and “other definitions of good; other Gods”

Evil – is the Nuremberg Diary’s summary of societies that fall into systemic failings of empathy. We freeze neighbors to death in Canada, we deny families incomes

NO EVIL SOCIETY survives in history. These countries lose their sovereignty, and they lose everything else too

Canadian have to earn back our sovereign right to rule this land – every single day by our actions and by our leadership and example to the world


Dysphoria – is a condition that affects untrained, vulnerable children and adults when they are taught to be fearful of harmful ideologies

Victims of Dysphoria are haunted by “What ifs” … What if:

  • We don’t all have guns!?
  • Climate Crisis will kill us all! – The Chicken Little story
  • What if women don’t go to work and lead corporations, instead of looking to ensure our sustainable population, culture, communities, and essential families!?
  • My body doesn’t align with my thoughts on gender at age 14 and my parents are against me, so I now need to remove my breasts or penis?

Oddballs and activists, supported by globalists bent on undermining our sovereignty, integrity, and strength, can’t tell us what to do and run our economies into the ground!? Can they?

The Indoctrination of False Idols

Most government buildings across the country are filled with tampons in men’s rooms this year. Even George Orwell’s fiction couldn’t make up the nonsense and dysphoria instilled into our children and adults by schools and political groups in Canada over the last couple of years – and over the past 40 years when we include Wealth Theory fictions. Milton Friedman wrote unscientific fiction; proven harmful neoliberalism that every economics student in the country is required to memorize today.

Politicians and educators have become manipulators and “groomers” today in Canada – Liars – for something as low as Votes and Power!

That’s the snake’s belly that we elect into office today; lovely, nice ken dolls, with the best intentions and brightest smiles, but once in power their policies will collapse any nation reliably. Had enough yet?

LGBT Grooming in Canadian schools

Canadians DON’T Worship False Idols! 

Read our Scientific Journal Research Article to realize the TRUTH of these statements – and the CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY that they create in Canada today …

Canada’s Gender Equality Genocide

School Board Trustees – explanations that cite various Ontario and Canadian Human Rights Codes are grotesquely misinterpreted and misread 100% to permit a crime against humanity – grooming children to vote in a harmful way

Conservativism – these policies are no better, their harmful ideology of Neoliberalism created the Great Depression in just 10-years – back in the 1920s, and it’s collapsing 90% of large democracies today the same

Feminism – is more harmful to our populations, culture, and well-being than NAZIism

The Advance Party of Canada will make the individuals (and criminals) responsible for these assaults on Canada’s citizens and children – accountable

Your Vote for Advance will hold modern-day Nuremberg Trials wherein all this nonsense that has injured our society so badly and so boldly, comes to an end – restoring balance and common sense abruptly and publicly; and, in a Constitutional way so that we can’t be hurt by propaganda  and indoctrination ever again in the future

Canadian kids were never taught that the Bible predates religion; nor that it is a time-proven civics textbook and a successful Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Book of Laws. It was written and proven successful at advancing societies 1,000 years before any of today’s Abrahamic religions were even religions

Religions use and abuse the Bible – mainly because of its storytelling format (that was required by the illiterate populations of its day), but it’s not religion, and it’s the first book that every harmful ideology wants to remove

If you are interested in learning more – click here

Harmful ideologies are utopian ideas about how we should all live our lives – and as this name suggests, they’re not modern, moral, better, etc., they’re all bad

Feminism, for example, culls (kills) populations more than NAZIism did in World War II (1.5% annually in 64 high-income nations) – see Gender , Diversity, and Inclusion Genocide

ALL ideologies tell us that they are modern, moral, ethical, and good values, but in reality, they are really only interested in telling us anything that we might like to hear – usually with the motive of winning our votes and power & incomes

You have heard of Adolf Hitler’s “NAZIism“. It was very popular and every leader in Europe and North America was interested in its success; then there was the 1920’s Neoliberalism and Libertarianism – how did that end?

Marxism, Divisionism’s Right and Left nonsense, Feminism, and many more “isms” than this, are not real, not reality, they are fictions, fabrications, not scientific, and not worth arguing about or repeating. You have to be very gullible, and you have to rely on belief-based training entirely, to buy into these ideologies as real – but that does not stop us from voting for $1 billion annual ideology advertising campaigns

Once in power, a harmful ideology rushes to bolster their position, ban science (reality) in universities, and indoctrinate children, the elderly, and working adults. Every country collapses under a harmful ideology, so legitimate reporting and leaders will be the first targets and things to go

The fact that some percentage of a population believes in a fiction (consensus) is irrelevant. 40% of Americans believe in Angels; not real, not science, not truth. In this case, and most of us realize too, that it’s a harmless lie to make us feel less alone – so there is no harm done by this belief, but we should always be able to step into and out of belief-based reality and fantasy – once it’s appropriate to do so

Voters must ALWAYS ONLY vote for advance. Today, however, CANADIANS CAN ONLY VOTE FOR COLLAPSE. Collapse is all we have to choose from on our ballot cards

When a harmful ideology tells us that guns, feminism, individualism, capitalism, freedom, or other “buzz words” like right and left are important, deny your vote to them, and give it to a leadership team that builds and performance manages advance reliably. The sales pitches of Oligarches are for personal profit, and not in your family’s best interests

A competent government would correct the Constitutional gaps that permit harmful groups from buying their way onto ballot cards in the first place

For generations, Canadians have learned about good values of Good, Respect, and Human Advance – with the teaching tools of a father, son, and holy spirit. It was explained to us using a believe-based teaching method that was absolutely compatible with evidence-based scientific observation

Family Values, like all ESSENTIAL social pillars, were taught by storytelling: Sodom and Gamora. Job – taught coping skills, perseverance, and patience; the first 5 of 73 books (the Pentateuch) explained the important Constitutions, Human Rights, Laws, and Civics Lessons that were observed true over 2,000 years of civic rise and fall

When a harmful ideology takes power, your country collapses. This leaves them with no choice but to lie, hide reports of collapse, indoctrinate populations in their ideology, surround us with propaganda 7/24, double-down, and use offense as the best defense, etc. – or they would never be re-elected again!

Feminist election campaigns win in 64 high-income nations, while every one of those countries ALL lose 1.5% of their populations annually

Today, reprehensible individuals visit a Crime Against Humanity upon Canadians – to win votes. They want to tell us that Double Income Traps, Starvation Wages, and Infertility are important, while in fact, it’s abysmal leadership that hides 40 serious social problems in any country


LGBT Grooming in Canadian schools

Fund Advance events to stop the Grooming and indoctrination of harmful ideologies like Gender Theory to our children behind closed doors while we are at work!

Our Government works against itself

Canada makes Infrastructure, Health, and Housing decisions Provincial, while making Immigration decisions in a completely different government and group federally

In econometric science, Immigration is an unsustainable policy; this means that it is only beneficial during economic booms when adding citizens can help to monetize the abundant opportunity present during those times. Immigration in a Mature Capitalisms like today, however, creates hyper-competition

This increases social problems and unemployment reduces the quality of life and productivity of all citizens and has helped collapsed our economy to its lowest production levels since the 1930s now. Now is the wrong time for immigration. According to our Labour Participation Rates, Canada has lost one-millon jobs since 2008 before COVID unemployed another 1-million. Today is the wrong time for immigration – obviously Labour Participation Falls while “Female:Male Labour Ratio” Rises resulting in Birthrates falling here as in 93% of High-Income countries

Canada’s fertility rate is 1.47 which forfeits 600,000 infants per year; a Canadian life every 53 seconds Canada’s current Governments throw us all under the bus, with no understanding of how to build countries through normal cyclic economic imbalance

Transition Economics

TE is a science that recognizes the imbalances between incomes and cost-of-living, occur slowly over decades to create mature capitalisms without leadership correction

The Tytler Cycle

The Tytler Cycle

How FDR build the greatest economy and society in history – from similar imbalances?

Regulation – FDR regulated the businesses that were benefitting from inflation and social hardship; he implemented rent caps and minimum living wages; debt forgiveness, and he provided leadership and dramatic policy and equality changes as was needed to allow the population to become productive again.

American Dream Wealth

Wealth Inequity dropped to .66 in 1944, at the start of the greatest economy in history

Income Inequity

Income GINIs of .26 enabled the greatest boom in history

Immigration was slowed to a trickle obviously. Immigration in the United States Immigration had to be greatly discouraged in our last mature capitalism

Why is Government so dysfunctional in Canada?

Canada has the highest rate of immigration in the world – with no new infrastructure nor jobs created – and a million jobs lost without reporting – because Federal Governments completely ignore provincial infrastructure and municipal housing considerations.

And, this is just one example of two or three separate levels of government not working together properly as one government must. Trudeau permits almost a million mostly English-speaking immigrants per year to enter Canada while completely overwhelming primarily Ontario and BC’s ability to accommodate and then integrate them

Record-high unemployment, hidden unemployment too (Canada messages a U-3 Unemployment Report today instead of the easily-double actual U-6 Unemployment Report), a 138th worst suicide rate, the highest male suicide rate in the G7 nations, and the obliteration of families, living wages, and pensions – are the result

How credible are our Unemployment Reports? Not very, as this ShadowStat report explains the same hidden “Real” unreported unemployment problem for the U.S. economy

How does ACT Solve this problem?

ACT restricts all scientifically unsustainable policies (see the WAOH Library for this list) during Mature Capitalism, and redeploys them as productivity, social contract permits, and then stronger economies always follow

Our young people have been too long without homes and families of their own now as well

Every chair in a Casino has a higher-probability-of-success that the house will win, by ensuring Canada chooses policies with a similar higher-probability-of-success and proven track-record of advance, ACT can guarantee turnaround and a strong future while minimizing impact to Canadians during any resets


G7 Social Contract Loss

$4 billion lost daily.

Fund Advance Party events and leaders to correct 20 years of Wealth Theory misleadership and trickledown in Canada, and to recover the $4 billion that our Canadian economy loses every day unreported here

ACT is important – for Canadians and for Canada

Canada’s reputation as a World Leader has been squandered this past twenty years, and dramatically impacted by Justin Trudeau. Europe doesn’t listen or even invite Canada if they know he is going to be in attendance

Europe’s school kids call Canada’s PM a dictator because our government’s and media’s lies are better understood abroad than at home. They have seen harmful dictatorships firsthand; and we’re just rookies to this new reality

Canada no longer leads, and now struggles in technology, manufacturing, foreign affairs, economy, and self-sufficiency

We aren’t Venezuela, Greece, Mexico, or Spain just yet, but as our interest rates, inflation, low opportunity, poverty, and housing bubbles continue, we are headed in the direction of collapse to be certain

It’s a ridiculous situation for any country to be in, and unthinkable for one with the raw resources, skills, and values we once shared as Canadians

Canada should be a “UAE of the North”

As other nations build high-speed transit infrastructures and automation to support great lives sustainably, Canada bankrupts itself trying to maintain its current status quo of economic collapse. Ideologies, false political correctness, woke indoctrinations appear weekly it seems.

We aren’t providing for basic rights of life as our standard of living plummets and we throw open borders in democratic system manipulations.

Poor Leadership makes Canada, and its citizens, vulnerable to special interests that would abuse our good natures and obvious ignorance of responsible, scientific civics and Truth.

We are not invited to participate in these harmful decisions either, not at all

Our unnecessary dependency on other nations undermines our well-being and it showcases our non-existent Strategic Planning.

70 years ago our businesses created the greatest economies and societies in the world, while today they collapse us reliably.

How does ACT solve this problem?

Advance’s thesis turns Canada’s bad reputation around.

Picture a Canada re-engineered by a Strategic Right Plan – for production, good lives, and economic success project-by-project.

That’s how a sustainable society is built and Canada can then help 200 other nations succeed the same.

ACT is an important discussion and vote. There won’t be a multi-billion dollar advertising campaign to convince you of this, but read more to see that Advance is your only option for Canada


Canada a worldwide embarrassment

To Restore our Reputation Internationally

Funding Advance Parties and events sends leaders to rout embarrassing leaders from the world world stage and to restore Canada’s integrity

Canada fails in competitiveness

China is a smart country with solid leadership; if Canada is better, it has not shown itself through Right and Left Governments to date

Take one example:

China – leads the world in solar cells and lithium batteries, and will soon lead in EVs (Electric Vehicles) as well. WHY?

  1. China protects companies while world prices drop. While other companies in other nations fall out (bankrupt themselves competing at unprofitable prices), China is there to support them and ensure they can offer good products cheaper.
  2. Time allows Chinese manufacturers to improve their manufacturing quality and product costs, and to maintain and grow market share and long-term supply-chain contracts
  3. As their products and costs improve, they emerge as the only companies left standing – now with products and profitability no other new firms can hope to compete against

Amazon was doing something similar to small manufacturers behind the scenes, to ensure that its products sold before others. Those small manufacturers are out of business today while Amazon is the biggest company in the world. That – is what Right and Left call an “Open Market” AND its an obvious example of a national leadership failure

How does ACT Solve this problem?

Advance is strategic and plans ahead. If Solar, Batteries, and EVs are the next trend, we ensure that local and national innovators are supported

When China, and other nations, undercut pricing to drive out competitors, Advance installs national protections for onshore producers to keep Canada “in the game” until we can improve our products and reduce costs with better manufacturing processes – that compete with the world.


Worthwhile Industries

SEED Automating Social Contracts & Self Sufficiency

To Build Canada again!

Fund Advance Parties to rebuild Canada and to make it one of the greatest producers and self-sufficient exporters on the planet

Human Rights are NOT supported in Canada

The Canadian Bill of Rights (1961) – John Diefenbaker – built the greatest economy in Canadian history, while the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the CCRA is our Constitution) created the Great Depression. The CCRA has created today’s hidden Great Depression again today just the same

Canada’s Bill of Rights is neither taught nor recognized in Canada, and is only rekindled this year used to validate woke indoctrinations justifying current Crimes Against Humanity Diversity Campaigns

Hard Facts that you probably don’t realize

A Canadian family man is the last option to hire since Bill C-25 changed the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) required diversity to be reported by every corporation on an annual basis

Family Pensions have been devastated across the country, and if you find yourself unable to find work commensurate with your 20-years of experience, a person can be sanctioned off of welfare for years with no recourse.

After sending hundreds of failed employment applications, no Human Rights Tribunal in the country will reconsider any excuse for welfare termination created by a Municipal Region

A welfare worker can easily create a death sentence – for any individual who cannot find an income.

How prominent is welfare in Canada?

Something similar to the United States …

Average taxes are 90% paid to corporate subsidies

Last Thursday, 9,000 people had to find a place in Toronto’s Homeless Shelters; 15 homeless people have frozen to death in Toronto this winter, reported only by the homeless themselves – and hidden by the same government who have driven desperate citizens to crime in previously unseen numbers today

Canadians are starving our neighbours to death in the streets – hidden from news reports, and ignored by elected politicians for decades

Provincial Human Rights Tribunals are a sham. They defend ideologies today – and they do not defend Human Rights. They will defend against discrimination – but they will not assist legitimate human rights requests

If you are a Canadian denied access to income/employment, education, housing, food, etc. – you will find no support in Ontario

If, however, you are a member of the 3% Black minority (for one example), you will receive support because, of course, you are being “Discriminated against”

All other Canadians are not being discriminated against – so they effectively have no Human Rights

How does Advance Solve this Problem?

The Canadian Bill of Rights returns to full with protections for family incomes, good homes, living wages, nationalism, pensions, and affordable costs of living

All of the things that made Canada the greatest nation in the world must be restored once again


The USA is collapsing again - for the past 40-years

FDR's Second Bill of Rights

To ensure a full Constitution of Human Rights!

When you Fund Advance Parties, you build pensions and eradicate homelessness and ideologies. Countries like the UAE become our guides instead of lying about and hiding our collapse

Canadian politicians trade Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity – for Votes

As a mathematic certainty, our 1.46 Fertility Rate – will eliminate 30% of our population, culture, and language every 20-years

What does this mean? 660,000 Canadian infants are forfeit annually; a Canadian child is lost every 53 seconds, and Canada isn’t alone in this; fully 94% of all 70 high-income nations allow similarly unsustainable birthrates (citation)

Female Workforce, Labour Participation Fertility Rate

Female:Male Labour Ratio Rises as Birthrates Fall in 93% of HI countries. Canada is 1.5 & plummeting

It takes 3.0 children per woman to grow any population, it takes 2.5 children per woman just to sustain any population, and unsustainable immigration policies appear designed only to hide this problem too

“Girl Power” election campaigns indoctrinate women to forfeit the future of their children, if they are lucky enough to have any, for power; a crime against humanity to win elections

Canadians send our kids to school to be taught to prefer genocide. I raised five kids (four girls) and I didn’t realize this until my kids turned 20 and then 30 – without homes, without children, without families of their own

Our political advertising pits women against men in hiring policy and in the elimination of family pensions – for votes

Businesses are allowed to hire men at 25 and fire at 50, to be replaced by a “Diversity Hire” a starvation-wage hire that saves businesses as much as $1 million per family pension

What about Family Pensions!? Pensions take 30-35 years and – like a mortgage, are most beneficial in the last ten years “Diversity” – is a Business Lobby Group, and a sociopathic stain on Canada’s national legacy

  • What about Canada’s 137th worst suicide rate in the world?
  • What about our highest male suicide rate in the G7 (almost 4 to 1 male)?
  • What about suicide rates highest between 50 & 60 years of age?
  • What about $1 million in pensions to Canadian families – per family?

We teach young women to reject family values and to aspire instead for a life in a cubicle, double income traps, sending infants to daycare, and seniors to homes – to improve GDP reports? To encourage unsustainable business practices? Madness – and an absolute reality in Canada as sure as you’re breathing

How did Canadians permit a dumb-down of this magnitude?

How did timeless lessons of respect between men’s and women’s gender roles become subverted for votes and for corporate profit?

Canadians are not sheep; not cattle. Our forefathers should be spinning in their graves.

Canadians don’t die quietly and en masse – forced into hopelessness by systemic democratic failings of empathy and education! This is the definition of an evil society – and, it’s UnCanadian

How does ACT Solve this problem?

Family Values, Respect, Single Income Families, Living Wages, assurance of affordable homes, also known as – Good Leadership!

A Canadian Genocide is an immediately solvable problem – VOTE FOR IT

In Education: ACT corrects a political and school system that teaches collapse motivators like “evil is morality” and “genocide is progress”. Business and Finance schools have their curriculums revised to report the loss of $4 billion daily (63% of our entire) and correct it.

In Business: Family Values, Family Pensions, and a sustainable economic base is restored. Today’s unsustainable business and accounting practices stall this country’s economy and lose $4 billion every day. Businesses complained about FDR’s changes in the 1940s and then celebrated the incredible success that it brought to them in the 1950s. It’s human nature to be suspicious of change.

In Families: Respect, Gender Roles, Single Income Families, Living Wages, Accessible Home-ownership, are all restored.


Anti-family Values, Toxic incompetent devalued males, is harmful Female Equality Indoctrination

Fund events to stop Anti-family Values and the teaching that males are toxic, incompetent, and must be devalued. This Female Equality indoctrination is a harmful ideology like Gender Theory – to our children behind closed classroom doors while we are at work!

A Nation of Bubbles

Canada is victim of every bubble there is – except in Quebec, but you won’t get an opportunity to work (or live) in Quebec if you are not a native French speaker

No imbalances are preempted today, nor managed by unqualified governments who are 100% entirely uneducated in civic science and appear only disincented to run the country in as a responsible national leadership should

Housing Bubbles

A good home AND the ability to own a home is a Human Right!

We might prefer to keep our savings in the bank – and to rent our homes rather than own, but everyone has to be able to afford a good home and homeownership when we choose. Usually, a “free home” during retirement (we only work for 50% of our lives) is enough incentive to convince most to want to own a home.

Interest rates provided an income for banks, so they had to switch to higher banking fees when interest rates dropped –  until they are now entirely self-sufficient based on fees.

As interest rates dropped progressively for a period of thirty years, finance industries struggled to maintain profits in commercial industries, banking, and construction.

The Harper Government turned a blind eye to legal changes that treated residential real estate like an Open Market, while consulting firms and offshore banks like McKinsey and Blackrock, introduced a trillion dollars of offshore money into our residential housing market.

Offshore Banks can lend 10-times their deposits – without validation of deposits.

Suddenly, Canadian families and young people had to compete against massive multinational corporations and housing speculators who could create “magic” mortgage money through creative accounting alone.

Money was created from international financial loopholes and our incompetent Governments thought that this was great – because new money makes a scientifically meaningless GDP Report go higher – which wins elections! Madness; these government programs are led with zero social benefit and common sense.

Housing price rises in Canada highest in G20

Housing price increases in Canada are the highest in the G20

Housing costs as a percent of Income

Housing costs as a percent of Income

In the US, gains in homeownership are set-back to 1965 levels, and the situation is worse in Canada. Home Owners owned homes 100% in our last great depression, the great majority of homes owned today are leveraged to their maximum by mortgage debt. This means that actual homeownership is far lower than reported, and schemes like reverse mortgages turn over more ownership every year to major corporations – creating wealth inequality and low productivity nationally. Note how FDR’s 1941 income and wealth equality corrections kicked off 60-years of homeownership and economic boom.

Income Inequity

Income GINIs of .24 enabled the greatest boom in history

American Dream Wealth

Wealth Inequity dropped to .66 in 1944, at the start of the greatest economy in history

Rents soared and doubled from 2015 to 2020, as property management firms and owners adopted aggressive rental increases into their business plans and Standard Operating Procedures. Since 2005, housing prices have doubled, tripled, and even quadrupled with no new production nor salaries.

There was, however, but a definite decrease in productivity as poverty became the norm for Canadians across the country.

Stock Market Bubbles

Stock Market Performance adds nothing to an economy as high valuations create no measurable advance nor collapse in economies worldwide.

The race to bubble (prop up the stock market artificially – separating valuations from economic measures) began in the late 2000s, Quantitative Easing in 2020 added 20% of new money to most economies, and with is another jump in stock valuation.

This was a run on the public coffers of every nation by the rich because as 20% of new currency and public debt was added to the stock market, stocks were 85% owned by the top-10%.

The poor or unemployed who did not have access to trickle-down incomes were not helped at all by this change, and nor was our economy (because stock performance doesn’t advance economies).

The “fake news” reports will say that “GDPs are higher”, as will U.S. dollar reporting and Stock Markets be higher, but the debt will soar as economies collapse reliably due to their underlying policies of collapse that collapsed our economies (low-productivity, financial inequality, trickle-down, starvation wages, double-income-traps).

Stock Markets Irrelevant A Stock Market is a help, but its performance is irrelevant (unless changes are severe). Consumption, Wealth, and Profit, do not build a strong economy – as our Universities teach in all faculties of Law, Business, Finance, and Economics

Stock Market Participation by Income

84% of Stocks are owned by the top-10% Richest

L or U-Shaped Income InEquality

Income Distribution in High SC Nations

How does ACT Solve Bubbles?

In Education: ACT corrects political and school system faculties that teach laissez-faire and collapse every day of the week.

In Business: Today’s unsustainable housing and stock market practices stall this country’s economy and lose $4 billion every day.

To correct this and to increase our economy by 63% reliably, Inequality gets addressed, as does Productivity.

An end to Open Markets in residential housing and an end to corporate welfare and failed trickledown programs.

Businesses complained about FDR’s changes in the 1940s, and then celebrated the incredible success that it brought to them in the 1950s.

Advance gets Canadian Business onboard a mid and long-term leadership and success agenda, and off of our current short-sighted, quarterly-reported systems that are driving a zero and negative sum-gain for them and for us all.

In Families: Family Values, Family Pensions, and a sustainable economic base is restored.

Full-employment Single Income Families, Living Wages, Accessible Home-ownership, 30% income maximums on rents and housing costs – are all restored.

We need Investment – and not Spending

Smart Planning and Investment is essential for any country.

The term “Capital” originally referred to assets that increase in value on their own. Ten-cows became twenty-cows in time – so cows could be considered a smart capital investment – for a fun example.

Canada’s track record isn’t one of smart investment, it’s one of spending – only. PetroCan, Candu, Canadarm, Avro Arrow, a Canadian Car – gone; while Germany owns 35% of Volkswagon – the largest car manufacturer in the world.

Our innovation funds and infrastructure funds and municipal projects – are “spending”  only today – and not “investment” as they should be.

All major programs in Canada are one-time spends – which means that the billions in infrastructure today, will need to be spent again in five to ten years 100%.

Reaganomics’ “Scale-up” is spending – it’s another name given to trickle-down or Thatchernomics in Britain.

Trickle-down is a proven-failed policy that gives money to the rich so that they can pass it down to society – and, it’s the only type of investment Canada makes.

Other countries, like China and the UAE, are economic powerhouses because they SEED.

They ensure qualified engineers can build the self-sufficiency needed by the whole country.

Canada is an anomaly among G20 countries because we’ve had one multi-billion dollar hi-tech startup in 15+ years, despite throwing hundreds of millions of dollars at innovation accelerators and much more at trickle-down spending.

Trickledown funding programs in Canada underfund high-risk tool companies only, when it’s national solution companies that produce the good long-term jobs and self-sufficiency that we need.

Thank heavens these companies fail at such a high rate because most are Fintechs and other socially irresponsible initiatives.

Canada hasn’t invested one dime, nor planned for one day, for solutions for autonomous self-sufficiency innovation – always tools and never solutions.

Canada’s investment failings are systemic.

The problems begin in our risk-based and wealth-theory-based finance industry and investment committees, and then we take those failed approaches into Government.

When a government makes nor guarantees no capital investments and prefers spending only; that country collapses. The collapse will be hidden by GDP Reports but other countries will simply pass us by quickly.

China had our GDP in 1984 and the UAE had almost no GDP to speak of 30-years-ago.

Today the UAE’s economy is 1/4 of Canada economy despite Canada having everything and more – except we have systemically incompetent leadership.

How does ACT correct this problem?

Welfare spending is well thought-through with ACT’s approach.

ACT doesn’t give everyone $100k salaries, instead, we build national assembly lines, with hundreds of Canadian robotics

Intellectual Property (IP) and Hitech jobs, that attract international investment to employ thousands of Canadians and provide for all of our Social Contract needs locally in “20-minute-commute” Towns and Cities. See Worthwhile Projects ACT invests in greenfield evergreen SEEDed public infrastructure – to build a strong social contract with 20% Canadian ownership and influence – and then these automations can lead the world in low-risk Canadian technology and companies, opportunity, jobs, and national self-sufficiency.

Its a new Candu, Avaro Aircraft, and Canadarm as well

Foreign Direct Investment Inbound

(FDI In)

A recent push to ensure Canada could participate in the burgeoning EV economy highlighted Canada’s problem with “FDI In” – inbound foreign investment, scale-up capital and business welfare, and foreign companies, leadership, and workers.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) built the greatest economy in history when his Second Bill of Rights promised to protect national innovators from foreign competitors.

This assurance enabled many local owner-operated businesses to start companies, to hire and to train local C-level leaders and workers. They created profitable productions that built a strong economy while offering the highest living wages in the world

Henry Ford was one of the most famous innovators to ensure workers always had a living wage, and FDR recognized this importance and ensured this model could roll out nationally

Today, however, businesses and governments DO NOT build a strong economy

Electric Vehicles Marketplace

Because Canada has no recognizable Strategic Plan – and ensures no funding to homegrown innovators either, the EV explosion in other nations caught Canada without the ability to contribute or to carve out any marketshare globally

Last year Canadians owned a small fraction of the vehicles that Norwegian citizens owned, because Norway’s salaries are among the highest in the world.

Canadian salaries are just affording cost-of-living and so are unable to afford big-ticket EVs. Our distances-to-travel are longer, and our climate is colder, so batteries must expend energy to ensure they always operate above freezing temperatures

The only companies that are actively producing battery components, self-driving, and similar technology in Canada, are owned by foreign nations and foreign companies.

Our resources are important but when our labour gets too expensive, these companies turn to in-house and offshored workers – as permitted by Canadian law.

Canada is one of the very few countries in the world that allows this obviously irresponsible offshoring and onshoring

FDI-In collapses any nation

In science, FDI-In offers no benefit and Foreign Investment is only a benefit when a nation can invest capital and business in other nations outbound (FDI-Out) Foreign Direct Investment FDI In %GDP

Once installed, we collapse

FDI Inbound is foreign ownership that competes with, or prevents, the startup or success of local companies and owners. FDI prevents local executives and local living wages at all levels of this business’s production – in most cases

Too much Inflation

Few things undermine an economy like Inflation.

Inflation 10 Years

Average Annual Inflation – 10 Years, should stay below 4%

The reporting of inflation has been a problem since the Nixon administration. In 1970, he replaced the Federal Reserve Chair with one of his party counselors and then he told the Fed to “create cheap money”; low interest rates.

Nixon did this so that in the short term, unemployment and economic numbers would appear very healthy.

America did just what he expected and re-elected him in a strong 1972 economy, which flipped upside-down almost immediately after the election because “cheap money” creates inflation.

Worse, this Fed Chairman removed almost 70% of the Consumer Price Index numbers – to keep low the reports of now-runaway inflation in 1973; and most Central Banks followed.

We still run those watered-down CPI reports today; political lies – that continued to worsen after 1980 as the chart above shows.

Last year, Prime Minister Trudeau pulled the same trick when he appointed a new Central Bank Governor, a University of Toronto Professor with an abysmal track record at MARS Innovation and similar appointments, but an absolutely stellar record of compliance to the party’s unsustainable policies on feminism, immigration, and so on.

Cheap Money and Quantitative Easing were implemented in earnest, to build the appearance of a strong economy so that Trudeau could win re-election again this year.

But, Canada’s economic underpinnings were not as strong as in the U.S. in 1971 so inflation began here almost immediately – and could not be hidden by false CPI reports either.

Inflation above 4% annually collapses economies reliably in scientific econometric surveys across 185 countries, as shown here.

How does ACT Solve this problem?

  1. By correcting of interest rates – that also correct housing bubbles and protect Canadians how were sucked into this failure of economic theory
  2. By capping the folly of Quantitative Easing, and track down the “big-winners” in the QE debacle, because it isn’t Canadians
  3. We’ll pursue Debt Forgiveness as needed by all of our neighbors now as well
  4. We’ll replace 20-years of trickledown with responsible SEED investment and full employment programs, to make Canada productive – this time for real

Censorship & Public Indoctrination

Censorship & Public Indoctrination (misinformation campaigns) are serious problems in Canada

When a harmful ideology gains power by buying a spot on our voter ballots and then telling the population whatever they want to hear, Canada collapses

Feminism collapses the country through laws (Bill -25, Canada Corporations Act 2021) that insist on anti-merit, anti-expert, anti-family, anti-marriage, anti-pension, and starvation wages. They hire, provide grants, fund movies and public events, university acceptance, social media campaigns, and of course they fund 70% of the revenues that run the CBC by rules little different that 1930 Germany’s Political, etc. by “fit” – followers only, by race, by immigrant status, by sexual orientation

And, in 64-high income countries, these policies create a reliable population attrition equal to that of NAZIism’s impact in World War II. Populations lose 1.5% of their culture, citizens, and future ANNUALLY – RELIABLY. A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY …


By this group’s teachings, men are toxic and all Canadians are racists whose intolerance to fringe sexuality group paradings in schools and in front of our young impressionable children, won’t be tolerated


Conservatism – the Wealth Theory policies of the 1920s that created the imbalances creating the Great Depressions, are the same ever-well-funded policies and messaging at work today creating the past 40 years of collapse in Canada (most profoundly in Ontario and in British Columbia – and across the USA as well

Guaranteed Collapse

Harmful ideologies (Right and Left) collapse any society reliably (citation), and their only hope of keeping power is to win you over to their way of thinking while hiding legitimate reports of the collapses they are creating

Any illusion that these political groups are providing a better, more “modern” life for you and your family, is a gullibility created by the absence of basic civics training – and constant ($1+ billion per year campaigns) indoctrination and propaganda beginning in our grade schools – driven from our universities

Universities are a headless snake in Canada, that retain their credentialing powers individually by doing what they are told to do by: elected governments, and by taking the funding of super PACs and financial interests through their continued teaching of Wealth Theory or Feminism or any other politically endorsed ideology – as long as its not science, truth, or reality. (citation)

Weak Constitutions permit it

Harmful Ideologies are not prevented from running for election in Canada – nor are any of the 90% of other large democracies that are collapsing similarly today. (citation)

The 10% of advancing nations, all run Constitutions that were created by FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) – which is the same Constitution that created the greatest economy in history

Our universities teach Wealth Theory (1920s Theory) – and we don’t teach FDR’s incredible success, nor the proven-scientific scientific-by-observation civics of the Bible, nor evidence-based Civics – so Canada’s collapse is guaranteed

Censorship is the Result

The Advance Party of Canada sent letters announcing our GoFundMe Campaign and Party to 180 different media centers in Canada. NOT ONE RESPONDED!

That’s not media, that’s a NAZI-era Propaganda Department – where only sanctioned messaging can be heard or communicated, and whose purpose is misinformation and control

Our national collapse has been hidden by misinformation and lying in Canada for decades now; how else can governments with harmful track records hope to retain power?

Examples are numerous, in Social Media, in Schools, glaringly obvious in Universities, in CBC Reports, in events, and in public protests like the Truckers Rally

Your life, bank accounts, personal freedom, your Business, your Job and Income, your Social Media accounts, and much more, can all be forfeited in Canada today – whenever you speak out against the current ideological regime

The list of mandates to Social Media and CBC by the Trudeau government is documented and it’s incredibly long, while also telling Parliament plainly that it has takes on no programs to block messaging or insist on censorship

See the Rebel News article and youtube video “Federal Government Forced to admit years of censorship mandates“.

What were the censorship mandates (since May 2022)?

  • Diversity and Inclusion policy objections
  • Immigration and Refugee Policies
  • independent media articles reporting “serious errors of fact” (government lying)
  • reports of (at least three) adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine
  • the crime of “offensive language”; notice that all ministry voicemail now warns against offensive language terminating service calls
  • CBC refused to answer the question of censorship requests at all
  • The PMO and Treasury Board requested LinkedIn comments censored and accounts pulled – successfully

Requests to Facebook and Twitter went ignored, but not LinkedIn and other social media providers accommodated the indoctrination requests as well.

The Solution? ACT Parties

ACT Parties like the Advance Party of Canada are a one-vote solution for every collapsing large Democracy today (there are 48 collapsing countries – see this here)

We are realists. Our estimate is that it’s going to take your action – and $100 million of deprogramming advertising costs to turn Canada around from its present collapse trajectory.

The information and opportunity are here – for you to fix your nation, or to do nothing – and watch it collapse …

Lying in Media

Canada is now widely acknowledged to be firmly in the grips of political manipulation and lying.

“Right” is 1930’s Neoliberalist collapse and “Left” is a Globalist Feminist Genocide killing 64 countries today. Learn about harmful ideologies at WAOH.

The European Parliament is boycotting Trudeau for his practices in controlling media and civics, and it’s pretty obvious that current CBC staff are hand-chosen to simply repeat whatever political narrative that they are told to. What was Justin Trudeau’s response to all of Europe’s upset? Did he come straight home and clean up his act?

Nope, instead of doing the right thing, he is pushing through with Bill C-11.

The worst government in Canada’s history is working to shut down dissenting opinions and expert leader voices especially.

The important and scientific voices are no longer heard in Canada, and a political group is going to now ensure that the internet in Canada carries messaging that is vetted through its own “official channels”.

This problem began when Ottawa started cutting payments to the CBC to help them navigate the newspaper/online transition which made profitability for the media so difficult for them 10-years ago.

But the $1.3+++ billion dollars in annual bailouts from the PMO, now comes with strings.

Reporting had to be favourable to a political narrative or no funding would be issued. After adding an additional $700,000 million annually this year, CBC has become little more than a Propaganda Department (Yes, just like in 1935 Germany) – there to safeguard the messaging of the large right and left political groups in Canada. And, only the Biggy Piggys get a spot at this trough too … independent research organizations need not apply to be heard

Outrageous and Wrong

There are too many explanations for what is dangerous and wrong with preventing the truth from being heard. Permitting provable lies to be widely broadcast as truth?

Orwell’s 1984 said it clearly; The Book of Revelation warned against letting economic powers control societies, as they have only ever collapsed civilizations in history.

The CBC reported:

1.   a “Dangerous and Violent” truckers blockage was a War Measures Act warranting national emergency. Was it?


2.  Weeks after Canadian Banks and the European Parliament insisted that War Measures must be lifted, personal bank accounts were still frozen for truckers. Did CBC report the chastising and humiliations that Trudeau was leveled by the EU?

No – they lied and said he got a standing ovation

3.   Female Equality and Diversity hiring laws have created the lowest fertility rates and highest suicide rates in our history. Canada forfeits 600,000 children a year so that a political party can win power – with its “Gender Equality and Diversity” election campaigns. Has CBC EVER reported the cause and severity of a Crime Against Humanity in Canada


4.   Zelensky’s stepping down would have put an immediate end to the Ukraine-Russia dispute in its first week, saving lives and suffering for millions. US Senator Richard Black To avoid nuclear war, Col. Richard Black is a US Senator who honestly explains the military industrial complex and global media’s “Dangerous Game”

  • “We use unlimited force and violence, while controlling global media to erase discussion of what’s truly happening.”
  • “We and NATO do not care how many of our proxy Ukrainian women, children, or young men are killed.”
  • “Russia’s appeals for peace were ignored until it was forced to conduct an obviously very cautious special operation against brother slavs.”

Did CBC EVER mention this?

NOT ONCE – Not a fit with their narrative

CBC is a National Embarrassment AND National Liability as well …

How does ACT Solve Media Reporting?

Credible Reporting: Dangerous, unsustainable programming gets pulled; eTV becomes late night; ACT ensure that Canadians have proven, important measures and not the failed-economic theories designed to hide problems. Truth: Canadians have become gullible, taught to only believe our TVs, and have not been trained in the responsible CIVICs lessons that a responsible voter must know.

Real Unemployment

Canada Reports its U-3 Unemployment, similar to the U.S. In the 1930’s Great Depression, unemployment was to the U-6 standard which includes discouraged, unemployed workers as well as underemployed. U-6 unemployment reports can be 100% to 200% higher than the reported U-3 unemployment stats, so we are being lied to about unemployment.

Labour Participation Reports – show that Canada has lost one-million jobs since 2008, on top of inviting the world’s highest immigration rates.

Real Unemployment reports include part-time workers who want to become full-time workers, and workers who have become exhausted by their job search or have simply fallen off the Unemployment Report due to 3-month and 12-month reporting rules. We don’t have this

This unemployment reporting lie is true in every democracy today, but as you know, our civics training doesn’t teach us this essential learning.

Access to income is a Human Right!

Real Unemployment
Now, add reporting lies to this problem – yes, lies … a Shadow Report researcher in the U.S. tracks actual unemployment and explains that U-6 reports are also incorrect and purposefully misleading…

How does Advance Solve this problem?

First: There is no need for Canada’s present unemployment levels. As the second-largest resource nation in the world, only leadership creates unemployment. Nothing else

There is more opportunity in Canada than a dozen times our current population could gorge on.

We fix this problem with proper reporting – and with a thesis-led plan of seeded production and growth, and with full-employment policy as FDR implemented in our last Great Depression.

See an example of how Canada can lead the world with Worthwhile Industries.

Germany, France, England, and most E.U. nations showed little to no unemployment from COVID.

Canada appeared uniquely vulnerable and impacted as employers here were quick to fire and slow to rehire again.

We aren’t giving kids a Good Life nor a Future

Canadians and their kids are counted among the most famously civil and polite people in the World.

But what happens to someone when they grow up in a competitive, low-opportunity setting, is that a very different mindset takes hold

High School students looking forward to crazy education debt loads – with only the promise of living in their parent’s basement for a lifetime – have an unfamiliar mindset to traditional Canadians.

They don’t care; and why should they.

They might be polite face-to-face, but they’re stressed and disenfranchised from adult counterparts who have set rules that plainly don’t work for them.

Worse, we’ve weaned our young adults on policies that don’t work or are socially irresponsible.

Climate – for example, is an engineering and operations project, it’s not a crisis.

Female Equality – raises young women to expect no family nor children nor home of their own – until well into their thirties.

Diversity – says that their starvation wages are normal and are to be expected; that onshoring and offshoring are not socially irresponsible policies despite the fact that no other nation in the world permits this.

How does ACT solve this problem?

ACT makes our culture, our sustainability, our families, our next generation, and our future – a priority for a change

Ageism in Canada

Prevalent in WEF strongholds where harmful Diversity programs gain a foothold (India, Canada, the Middle East, others.), the practice of not hiring males over 50 creates dozens of very serious social problems:

  • Family Pensions are lost
  • divorce rates rise and new marriages fall
  • Family Values are lost
  • Children cannot launch lives in their home towns
  • Suicide and hidden Suicide Rates skyrocket
  • the BBC reported a .79% increase in male suicides for every 1% unemployment- and Diversity encourages this
  • Economies are now burdened with only non-contributing seniors
  • Euthanasia rises as it did in 1930s Germany

Seniors Month

You might not realize that June used to be Seniors Month in Canada; No longer

For the first time in Canadian history, this year’s June was changed to LGBT Month

Grade School children were assembled into gymnasiums and taught how cool it is to be gay; there are six genders, and that Diversity programs are important to them and to their country

Canada is nation in collapse and it is a dying nation as well. Our insufficient fertility rate and dozens of very serious social problems are created by a dysfuctional democracy here

In what kind of Country does a sociopathic political party get to reprogram our children with their anti-family values, which are proven to collapse any nation and its culture?

No credible Reporting

Canada loses $4 billion a day today – unreported, and this was before COVID-19 hit the scene An understanding of the policies and statistics that build a strong economy, is essential for every voter.

We can’t make informed decisions, nor even tell reality from fiction, without this context

Our schools have taken the lessons of a Scientific Society, out of our classrooms and let expensive TV and social network advertising tell us how to vote – and how to follow, like Pavlov’s dogs. Ideologies replace research – so Low Tax (aka no tax for the rich), Scale-Up (trickle-down), Open Markets, Small Governments, Laissez-Faire Business, unemployed are lazy, and family values, life balance, and community values matter little.

These are the unsustainable policies of the 1920s – and today Without basic training in Scientific Societies, we Canadians learned unscientific proven-failed Micro and Macroeconomics from the reporting presented by short-sighted wealthy businesses

  • Is Stock Market performance important? No. 85% of stocks are owned by the Top-10% rich – and economies are uninfluenced by markets for the most part entirely
  • Is a GDP increase Important? No. A GDP Report is meaningless by itself, it hides problems, and its always positive – which is why politicians use it
  • Is Climate important – Yes, but – it has never created a World War. Social Contract has many times and strong social contract nations address environment and all social issues – much more easily
  • Black Lives Matter – We’re not racists, we’re collapsing. Causality teaches us to solve financial inequality – which makes the symptoms of racism, ageism, and sexism a non-issue entirely
  • Is a Salary increase of 3% important? It’s an embarrassment. Salaries have stalled since 1975 and a 100% increase would be a correction only

Read Scientific Methods in ACT Policies to understand how

Advance ensures that voters benefit from national performance reports and context-driven economic data. Reporting must consider Salaries, Cost of Living, Education, Social Contract, Income and Wealth Distribution, GDP-PPP and Export per-Capita, and positive Trade Balances that are causal to an Advancing Economy.

The SCP Report proves that citizens with the freedom to be productive – are productive. SC Loss also reports that the U.S. loses $37 billion dollars a day to its low social contract and unsustainable policies. Canada loses $4.2 billion or $1.5 trillion annually – just as Responsible Reporting identifies problems clearly so that they can be corrected and economies improved.

Ignoring problem reports means that nothing is ever fixed as it needs to be. The first step in solving a problem is realizing that you have one.

How does ACT Solve this problem?

We fix this with proper reporting. SCP Reports and the WAOH Library’s Transition Economics Proofs too. We rely on

  1. Newspaper articles voice our problems – every day. Suicides, Birthrates, Divorce, Homelessness, U-6 Unemployment (not the U-3 nonsense we see today), and Social Contract Losses are in plain view so that we can all get some traction from the $4.2 billion we lose every day
  2. Every Constitution to receive FDR’s Second Bill of Rights in the Marshall Plan is advancing 70-years later – no exceptions. So, we compare Canada to Successful track-records
  3. We consider empirical statistics which prove transparently that our policies are Sustainable

Monetary Freedom

In a monetary system, freedom is the gap between Salaries and Cost-of-Living (CoL). When Salaries fall to Cost of Living, Freedom is lost; and when Salaries fall below CoL, Social Contracts are lost and economic productivity falters

Cost of Living Up Cost of Living

Salaries Down

Social Contract

Social Contract – is Causal to Advancing Economies

How does ACT Solve this problem?

  1. By reducing Cost of Living and Increasing Salaries – for those that have no freedom (the biggest ROI). It takes viable companies and productive citizens to transition to a viable, balanced, and thriving economy – so that all can flourish in the bigger pie of a strong economy. Cellular and Internet are $200 per month expenses, rents and mortgages are 75% after-tax incomes, these stats are unsustainable
  2. Opportunity and greenfield investment capital. “Greenfield” builds 10-times the jobs dollar for dollar – and jobs are forever; “Scaleup” is all that Canada offers today – it makes wealthy companies richer and adds few new jobs and no salary increase
  3. Free education for Canadian families unable to pay for training – so no student debt and access to homes too. We need young educated Canadians starting families sooner.
  4. Credentialing review through TASK. Canadian credentialing rewards systems that create dystopia – and untrained voters. We need engineers and builders in our boardrooms now.  Monetary Systems transition to Communal systems of commerce with automation, so we need more big-picture thinkers and builders than monetary system “experts”

When salaries do not meet Cost of Living, they are called Starvation Wages. When a second income is required, double-income traps begin. In this chart we see that starvation wages started back in the 1970s. ACT corrects salaries with Full-Employment Policy, Single Income Policies, and we work on cost-of-living corrections – something which is ignored in Canada today.

Household Incomes Fall since the 1990s

Imbalance in Household Incomes

How does ACT Solve this problem?

  1. Full-Employment Policies – we reverse the 15% to 20% employment culls of the past 5-years at major Canadian Corporations and Financials
  2. Reverse Onshoring and Offshoring – Canada is the only country in the world foolish enough not to stop the offshoring of its engineering – driving down wages and discouraging our best-and-brightest from building our future – and their future here in technology – at the same time. ACT Reshores engineering.
  3. Cost-of-living reduction – across Canada, the balance between salary and cost-of-living is lost. Like Reshored Engineering rules, Rent Caps and Mortgage protections are essential controls used by some of the highest-economy nations on the planet. The cost of homeownership must be available for one-to-two years of salary standardly and it must be a very difficult business to own many rental homes.
  4. Salary, benefit, vacation time, must increase –  Salaries must be reliable and pay for all costs of living, training, and all special education. Low salaries are artificial because they simply download costs to society.

Financial Equality = Productivity

Financial Inequality has risen by 20% since 2010 in Canada. That’s a big lift and it’s an important problem for us to correct

Note: Please forgive us using American stats here as the same Canadian stats are difficult or impossible to find published.

US and Canadian policies have aligned very closely for a century, as has the state of inequality for both nations over time. The two leapfrogged one another stat by stat until both are collapsing today due to similar policies and ideologies today

Income Inequity

Income GINIs of .24 enabled the greatest economy and turnaround in history

Homeownership and National Savings are the best indicators of equality.

Note how homeownership soared after FDR corrected income and wealth inequality in 1941, with high tax programs for the wealthiest Americans. And note also that only Britain has a lower Savings rate than Canada in the G7.

Inheritance Tax

100-years of Inheritance Tax – Top Percentile

Top Tax Rates

Historic Income Tax – Top Percentile

Today’s levels of taxation and low incomes leave inequality back at 1930s levels again

In 2010’s U.S. Fed Reserve Report, the bottom 40% (130 million people) owned nothing while the top 20% owned 85%. Things are much worse today, in both the US and Canada.

Canada’s soldiers didn’t risk their lives

We’re not “racists” – as Trudeau suggested in 2020, we’re collapsing – due to financial inequality, and this collapse is creating hypercompetion for living wage incomes, housing, and basics of life.

Income Inequality

Income Equality

Rich people are not a problem, but too many poor and starvation wage earners is a definite problem

The top 1%, have incomes of $1 million per month – in Canada, and $1 million and more per week in the United States. Poor people in Canada include anyone whose incomes do not meet their cost of living (CoL). By Province, and by Region, CoL changes so there isn’t one monthly dollar-amount that fits all.

In Hamilton Ontario, a starvation wage is likely any below $2,800 while in Toronto that number might climb to $4,200 per month

Wealth Inequality

Wealth Inequity

How does ACT Solve this problem?

We put some joy back into life, by:

  1. By carefully transitioning away from tax shelters and low-tax for major corporations and top-1% incomes. We need strategically important companies as we transition to a viable well-balanced productive economy – so that all can ALL flourish in the 63% bigger pie for everyone. Tactical business that run their operations to make a quick buck at the detriment of all, are valueless to our economy, and clearly a detriment
  2. Homeownership – is a priority again. ACT ensures the same boom in homeownership that FDR did
  3. Opportunity and greenfield investment capital. “Greenfield” builds 10-times the jobs dollar for dollar – and the jobs are forever as well. Unfortunately, “Scaleup” (trickledown) is all that Canada offers today – it makes wealthy multinational companies richer, while adding few new jobs and never salary increases
  4. No student debt. Free education for Canadian families who are unable to pay for training
  5. Credentialing review through TASK. Canadian credentialing rewards systems that create dystopia – and untrained voters. We need engineers and builders in our boardrooms now.  Monetary Systems transition to Communal systems of commerce with automation, so we need more big-picture thinkers and builders than monetary system “experts”

Too much Immigration

The first thing cut by FDR, as he created the greatest economy in history, beginning from a Great Depression, was Immigration Immigration in the United States Immigration had to be greatly discouraged in our last mature capitalism So naturally, Canada has raised its immigration to levels six-times higher than 1960s levels – when a boom economy here made good use of the extra manpower

Transition Economics

TE is a science that recognizes the imbalances between incomes and cost-of-living, occur slowly over decades to create mature capitalisms without leadership correction

Immigration does not Advance Economies

Immigration not

Immigration does not support Advance – seen here in a Transition Economics TEP Survey of 203 countries

Immigration is an unsustainable policy at even the best of times, and it is highly discouraged during late capitalisms because it creates hyper-competition at a time when unemployment and cost-of-living imbalances are high and out-of-balance

Immigration G7 Historical

Social Contract Product Index dropping steadily

Countries that are advancing, do not permit immigration today

The UAE, like Singapore, allows people to work in the country, but does not allow them to stay and retire as citizens (as immigrants). Canada does …

In data science, Immigration can only be encouraged only during boom economies; times of high opportunity as we saw in the 1960s. During these time, immigration can help to monetize the abundant opportunity available

In a further act of irrational misleadership, our Canadian Business Corporation Act laws now mandates hiring immigrants over Canadians, which has already created high suicide and homeless levels, housing bubbles, a divorce explosion, unsustainable fertility, and hypercompetition for everything now

Canada has had the highest consistent year-after-year rate of immigration per capital in the G20, and is the highest in the world among countries that offer full health care and onshoring protection as well Truly, when it comes to Immigration, Canada does everything wrong – and our economy and lifestyles prove this

If you or a family member or friend haven’t yet felt impacted by this mistake, you have been paying for it to the tune of $4 billion per day – just like everyone else

Germany and Austria are the only countries that recently lifted their immigration to our levels but they require five full-time jobs per immigrant and they restrict family members and others at these levels do not offer full citizenship, and also the option of dual citizenship – unlike Canada

Public lying is steep here, our Prime Minister tells us that immigration generates income for the country, but no report confirms this – and the first time one of these immigrant’s six family members gets ill, that medical bill will exceed Canada’s $250,000 requirement for admission

Immigration Policy appears like little more than a diabolical plan to decimate English Canada’s standard of living and economy

How does ACT Solve this problem?

  1. By taking immigration down to near zero – for all but the unification of families
  2. By following the policy of 99% of the world’s nations and stopping the unsustainable practice of onshoring and offshoring
  3. By reversing immigration decisions and full-citizenship decisions previously offered
  4. Immigrant housing conditions will be appraised and those not successfully able to live to a Canadian standard of fewer than 12-people per home – will be recognized as failed immigrants and asked to leave so as to free jobs and contracts for Canadians that live in a high-income nation’s standard of one-single core family per home
  5. By refocusing immigration efforts to emulate the English or French-speaking composition of Canada’s communities and population

Hyper Competition

Hyper-Competition is little different from a game of musical chairs.

When you need a place to sit, work, or live, or to find reliable incomes and be productive, none are available.

Hyper-Competition in a high-unemployment setting is really very dangerous – and really very expensive to the country too.

Canada loses $4 billion per day to its low productivity today.

People can exist in a state of homelessness and unemployment for a very very short time, but then our society begins to change as desperation levels skyrocket.

Everything becomes a life-or-death competition; for rental housing, homeownership, jobs, placement in academic programs, and the constant stress would be enough in a non-COVID setting, but we also have to contend with record levels of unemployment and record-high levels of immigration in a housing bubble too Record-high levels of immigration during a time of imbalance and mature capitalism is irresponsible. Immigration is an unsustainable policy that is only a benefit during Boom economies like the 1950s and 1960s.

Transition Economics

TE is a science that recognizes the imbalances between incomes and cost-of-living, occur slowly over decades to create mature capitalisms without leadership correction

Immigration was clearly a hushed-up condition of the NDP Party’s support for Trudeau’s minority government today as well. Immigration is an irresponsible policy at a time of great national vulnerability; and an offensive abuse of authority that can not be treated lightly Immigration in the United States Canada endures unprecedented levels of suicide at this time, hidden in stats by Fentanyl deaths, while Production Growth here was at its lowest levels since the 1930s – before COVID – Unreported.

Charges of treason on grounds of sociopathic recklessness would not be misguided; this problem is that serious and important

A losing competition for basics of life stalls economies, drives poverty, inflation, homelessness, starvation wages, medical, welfare, and policing system costs.

Canada already loses $4 billion dollars per day to its low productivity, now compounded by millions of new competitors annually – so that Liberals and NDP Parties can secure more votes?

How does ACT Solve this problem?

  1. Full Employment for Heads of Households – Living Wage Incomes MUST be assured
  2. ACT will reduce Immigration to a trickle and will be reserved to reunite families already located here until our economic situation improves
  3. Technology migrants will be granted migrant worker status only and will only be permitted as a very great exception. This is policy consistent with every nation in the world by the way, Canada has allowed unsustainable business practices of off-shoring and on-shoring more than any other country in the world
  4. An investigation of Immigration policy and decision timing will be conducted and any willful acts of harm to Canadian society for political gain will be pursued in our courts as corruption cases

End of War

Low Social Contracts build riots, revolutions, and great wars reliably – again and again in history.

There are more conflicts worldwide today than at any time in history, and this was true for World War I and II as well. The imbalances of Mature Capitalisms build populism, currency wars, trade wars, social problems, and then real wars – by 2028 if the commencements of our past two wars repeat.

A mature nuclear era is no time to be building a powderkeg so that the first spark can ignite an extinction-event

Mature Capitalism and War

Revolutions per Decade

Mature Capitalism and War

Past Mature Capitalisms

How does ACT Solve this problem?

The Golden Rule

Strong Social Contracts solve the cost-of-living/salary imbalances that correct mature capitalisms and prevent World Wars. When all countries are doing well, there can be little interest in a global nuclear winter by World War III

National Self-sufficiency

Self-sufficiency leaves a country free from the external influences of monetary difficulties in other nations. Canada’s trade balance is negative, in deficit, and increasing alarmingly so, every year since 2008. As a nation, this means we are trending toward collapse every day since 2010 due to our trade deficit.

We are also imbalancing at the same due to financial inequality – which is why our young people can no longer sustain lives comfortably as our parents and grandparents could. We can’t buy homes, start families (our fertility rate is 1.49), find pensions, etc.

TEP Proofs explaining that Trade Balance is essential in any nation to ensure both social and economic advance, can be found at the WAOH Library under Causal and Sustainable Policies

Canada is at our lowest production levels since 1997 and the 1930s before that …

How does ACT solve this problem?

Advance SEEDs self-sufficiency, full-employment with a million new jobs, and then we create wealth for Canada through Export.

Trade Surplus was never a concern for the U.S. when it supported nations throughout Europe and the World. To get to this point it had to be self-sufficient with a strong, diverse manufacturing infrastructure at home.

China adopted the same model 30-years ago similarly, and both nations have created the largest economies in history

Advance’s thesis builds self-sufficiency in greenfield investment in Public Utilities like Worthwhile Industries. The plan is designed to build Scientific Societies as it scales and roles out to World Peace over time – so it has our strategic needs always in-plan

Interest Rates are too low and for too long

Canada’s interest rates were too low for too long and we could not endure the stress as they have risen rapidly now.

Unlike Mortgage-Walk-Away laws in the United States, Canadians are on the hook for four-fold housing cost increases in Canada

Low-interest rates are theorized to stimulate a failing economy, but in the absence of responsible leadership they’ve only stimulated an unreported national poverty and production loss instead Our laws have to change to protect consumers who were forced into insolvent positions by the policy failings of past Right and Left governments, 30-years of falling interest-rates, and a too-long period of low-interest rates gave great benefits to major corporations who widened the inequality divide between rich and poor in Canada

How does ACT Solve this problem?

Mortgage walk-aways, and laws similar to the United States where a mortgage is assured for the lifetime of a mortgage – and not just a 3-year or 5-year term.

ACT Policies are always monitored and corrected based on poor performance.

When we see that policies are not protecting our citizens and national productivity, we change or improve laws – every four years is standard, and yearly if really needed

Laws in Canada today go onto the books and then never change basically – even when their intended purpose was never met, or the opposite resulted

When experts steer the ship, it really is this simple to protect Canadians and to turn around collapse reliably


There was no vaccine for the more severe Spanish Flu and yet is was gone more quickly than COVID. Advance teaches proper isolation protocols – like COVID-FREE Islands’ Normal Lives Strategy, and Advance Plans for the autonomous provision of all basic needs to keep Canada self-sufficient at all times, including pandemics.


Desperate Hail Mary passes in professional football look great, but they complete just 10% of the time according to the stats.

Like teen dating, it’s always wiser to learn from the mistakes made by others first; and it’s always wise to wade into potentially hazardous water before diving in as well

Questions like:

  • How do pregnant women and their babies endure vaccination?
  • How do the elderly or pre-existing-condition individuals fair with the vaccine?
  • Is mental development unimpaired?
  • And similar …

New vaccines take some time to validate themselves completely safe.

Today’s sudden unexpected deaths and setbacks in infant development and mortality, explain that we were wreckless with COVID Vaccines, and that this is a problem that needs corrected now as well

Advance’s   Proven Solutions

Advance Parties are Leaders.  Making a voting decision based on one or two important points are not enough to make a responsible voting decision; it takes a list – a Constitution

We’ve never learned how FDR created the GREATEST ECONOMY IN HISTORY. He did it by restoring the Bible’s full list of Human Rights to Americans – see Diefenbacher’s 1960 Bill of Rights!

ADVANCE explains reliable national advance with Scientific Societies Programmes, Thesis and Data Science, Transition Economics, The WAOH Civics Library, and the Civic Leadership Book of Knowledge


Truth for Canadians

How important is Truth to you? To us, it’s everything …

You might read something here and wonder “How is this the Truth?”, but Advance is Canada’s Civic Science Party: EVERYTHING that you read here has a credible evidence-based research paper(s) that you can review, understand, and also confirm for yourself using easy-to-learn EVIDENCE-BASED SCIENCE

Advance shows responsible voters how to confirm TRUTH and, unlike every other Canadian Political group, Advance protects our children and all of us from harmful ideologies by using this science

The real question is: Will Canadians Stand on Guard against Harmful Ideologies and our present Collapse?

Even our Universities don’t offer truth in civics faculties today. It’s the reason we are collapsing so obviously and so embarrassingly as well. Read …

Canada’s Doctors of Indoctrination

Canada loses $4 billion daily unreported

Canada loses 1.5% of our population and culture annually unreported

Canada is collapsing unreported

Canada has the highest male suicide in the G7 unreported

90% of large democracies are collapsing today – for many of the same reasons – unreported

This list goes on and on! Wake up!

Your vote created today’s collapse, it put reprehensible individuals in power so that they could hide the collapse, lie to you, and indoctrinate you with propaganda 18-hours a day, and your vote can correct it!

Harmful Ideologies will not find a ballot card in Canada

The Advance Party will make harmful ideologies illegal by Constitution

No NAZIism, no 1920s Neoliberalist Wealth Theory, No Feminism, no harmful utopic nonsense that isn’t real and collapses our society and economy reliably

Instead, we’ll teach scientific civics in Universities and schools. Won’t that be a nice change?

Western Universities teach no science in 75% of degree programs while 60% of males drop out

And our kids will learn about social science guaranteed to build success and a bright future – like family values, full employment, living wages, and affordable homes that can sustain our culture, population, prosperity, and productivity

Canadians old and new will understand good values of good (systemic empathy)- in actions and in law, respect, and human advance; and how good values are essential to a nation’s prosperity

And, we won’t freeze neighbours to death in the street

No homelessness, generational poverty, leadership voids that change nothing, or NAZI-like “euthanasia programs” either – for Canadians

Homelessness is a social problem unique to Democracies; there is no homelessness in Monarchies – and Monarchies have outperformed the G7 for 25-years because of this better system of government

Democracy has changed for the worse over the last 60-years, while Monarchy has changed for the better

Canada is the second most resource-wealthy nation in the world, once we manage it properly we’ll become the UAE of the North – with great cities, space programs, bright futures, and an exemplary G7 economy again (we lost G7 status years ago and Canada is 16th in innovation – despite our mature university infrastructure)

That is a ridiculously poor performance!

YOU – have to Make Canada Great!

There is No Auto-Pilot. Change won’t just happen by doing nothing …

It only starts by building and voting for Truth and science – like the Advance Party of Canada

There won’t be TV ads, there won’t be viral marketing, that cost tens of millions of dollars. Big Business pays for all of that for you today – and look around you – at collapse, to see what a “free” political system creates – when you do nothing – and then show up at the polls to vote

So, don’t forget to click on the Donate button!


Canadian Culture is our strength and what made Canada the greatest country in the world.

Our unique blend of English, French and First Nations people present a decent, fair, and also fierce and reliable nation when called upon Nationalistic policies drastically reduce both on-shoring and off-shoring business practices.

Immigration is an unsustainable policy in unbalanced mature capitalism economies, when emphasis now needs to be on local opportunity, self-sufficiency, incomes and social contracts, exports, and strategic investment.

It’s critical to get this right and clearly our present political groups are too preoccupied by winning elections to care about doing the right thing.

Immigration not SCP

Tax Havens, Foreign-Owned companies, and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are unsustainable policies that other countries monitor and deny – just as Canada should have twenty years ago FDI

The Family Men Party

Universities admit 60% women, 60% of males drop out, 75% of graduates learn no science (reality) whatsoever, and Bill C-25 changed the Canada Business Corporations Act (CBCA) requiring diversity to be reported by every corporation on an annual basis, making Canadian men the last people that businesses can consider for hiring and for pensions

Canada leads the G7 in male suicide (since Trudeau), we lose 1.5% of our population annually to infertility (double income traps, starvation wages, housing costs, high divorce and low marriage rates), our children are taught there are six genders during a gay pride month renamed from seniors month in 2022

Male2Female Suicide Ratio G7

Men are under attack today – sons, husbands, fathers, masculinity, and the country’s future is too – as irresponsible immigration rates also prefer to accept 10-times more East Indians than any other group

Canadians are being driven out of our own country successfully, quietly, and we are being called racists when we say something. We are driven out of incomes and out of existence in Canada as well; most notably in English Canada – because Quebec has none of the runaway immigration and housing bubbles seen everywhere else across Canada now

The country is collapsing economically – due to: the gullibility of its female voters, due to reports of collapse being hidden and spun by the CBC, and due to indoctrination of harmful ideologies that begin in pre-school in this country

Our offices fill with women, our children (male and female) are lied to and fed a steady diet of nonsense in class, on TV, in movies, and on the internet

If you are lucky enough to have children, and a wife that stays with you, and a job that doesn’t offshore or diversity and inclusion you out the door as you gain an expert’s status:

Your girls: will have no marriage, no house, no home, no husband, no family of their own, and a “career” that will lead them to financial devastation whenever paychecks are interrupted for more than two weeks

For your sons: a junior job might be found if you are a “fit” – a follower and someone who doesn’t make waves or object to harmful ideologies, anti-merit, anti-male, anti-expert dumb down in the workplace

What sad sack of a country allows campaigns against Family Values? Yet 64 high-income nations are collapsing from this today.

A laughing stock – is the right answer, as Trudeau is openly ignored and called a buffoon openly across Europe today. He gave $15 billion to Germany to save being vaulted off of every committee in the European Union in the spring of 2023

Men are protectors and providers. Our young adults are the most indoctrinated and impoverished of any generation in Canada since the Great Depression – hidden by the media, living in parents’ basements, and stressed to the breaking point

Canada has become pathetic and Advance rallies the good men of Canada to Stand on Guard NOW!


Poliviere’s group are Neoliberalists; his harmful ideology built, and builds, the Great Depression reliably – as it did in the 1920s

If you want 70% unemployment, private healthcare, education ran into the ground (even further than it already is), and to never own your own home – until you freeze to death in the streets of a Canadian winter, then Conservatism is for you

Toronto had 9.000 homeless nightly this past winter, and the only reason Trudeau got a foothold in the first place is that Canadian men could no longer vote for Harper in good conscience

Advance is No More Ideologies !!

No more harmful ideologies. They aren’t real, don’t exist, and are also fictions that collapse any nation

Feminism – is more harmful to populations than was NAZIism in World War II

Conservative Neoliberalism, Marxism, Libertarian, Fascism, Wealth Theory (Micro and Macroeconomics) – are unscientific horseshit !!!!!

The Advance Party would discuss abolishing the female vote if that’s what it took to block ideology parties from appearing on ballot cards in this country again.

Making the individuals responsible for the deaths and collapse they have created accountable in a Nuremberg Trial, while running only proven-successful policies to turn around our collapse – is not something you are going to see from Pierre Poliviere either

High Productivity and High Social Contract nations build strong Economies 100%

Scientifically speaking, societies determine their economy 100%. When social contracts are high, so is its economy

The reason this is true is because Productivity builds strong advancing economies in science, while the Wealth Theory (GDP, Profit, etc) we teach in our Universities is theory and ideology proven to collapse economies (citation)

A high Social Contract creates productive societies measurably and reliably… For 40-years, Economics faculties have collapsed 62% of 207 nations – by trying and failing to prove that NeoLiberalist Micro and Macroeconomic theory builds strong economies – but Wealth theory created today’s collapse just as it did in the 1920s.

Wealth Theory assumed that the Bible’s mature capitalisms and economic resets (Leviticus 25-26) were fringe theory and religion, which is why we have had to endure another avoidable mature capitalism today

FDR’s Second Bill of Rights (1944) created the greatest Social Contract and Economy in history – with Human Rights taken from the Bible that the U.S. slave owners had skipped past while cherry-picking its Constitution in 1791

The United Nations was created as a strategic gatekeeper, to ensure that we never again rebuilt the economic powers and neoliberalist owner and slave laws that created the economic conditions which permitted two successive World Wars to begin.

The U.N. failed this primary mission and purpose, while groups like the Swedish Central Bank – via The Nobel Prize for Economics, WEF, and similar, could entrench Wealth Theory that collapses any nation

70-years after the Marshall Plan added FDR’s Rights into the Constitutions of Germany, Italy, and Japan, these countries remain the only G7s with advancing economies today

Social Contract

Social Contract

Social Contracts (SC) are high in nations that support their citizens with basic needs of food, housing, healthcare, education, and living wage incomes, and low in nations that do not.

We can see in the chart above that high-SC nations have a much higher chance of an advancing economy in this survey of 157 countries, and we can see that low-SC nations have low economies too.

This makes Social Contract, one of the most important, causal building blocks of economies both advancing and collapse-trending. Social Contract (SC) and Social Contract Product (SCP) Reporting measure a country’s productivity

Transition Economics measures SC by national reductions in Poverty, Suicide, Inequality, and also by the increases seen in Education and Longevity, which are common in every society that has strong Social Contracts

Most Social Contracts are built using a mix of 80% private and 20% public ownership, and their costs can be reduced substantially through Public Utilities; so the quicker we can automate these assembly lines to reduce or eliminate costs – the better.

Clearly, Social Contract is not fictitious Socialism “ownership by the state”; see a disambiguation of the very misused and even weaponized Marxist scare words and indoctrinations, like Socialism here

Most “-ism” ideologies are deprecated and meaningless in Transition Economics. This decision is due to their failures to adhere to the Socratic Method’s best practice of disambiguating muddled, unprovable terms

Theoretical economics curricula are deprecated – Micro and Macroeconomics, Relationship, Doughnut, etc.  because a theory that is proven failed in observation must be considered “fiction” – according to Scientific Method’s standards

You can find ACT’s Library of Proven Policies on the World at our Hands Report page Advance’s policies are proven to pragmatically take back the $4 billion CAD that we lose every day, that no other party reports

Good, Respect, and Creation

Canada’s Constitution is collapsing us, and its failing to safeguard our Ballot cards from groups whose policies are proven to collapse every nation

Meanwhile, EVERY large nation that runs by the United Nations’ Constitution, is advancing today

Why does our civics training not explain this?


Constitutions are neither new nor modern; we’ve discovered Constitutions and Charters of Rights going back to 2,000 BC in the middle east, Egypt, and Mesopotamia (Iraq).

The first five books of the Bible, are a twice-updated Code/Constitution of Hammurabi and Ur-Nammu; almost line by line in dozens of cases

Archeologists discovered the stone Codes in the 19th century but it’s clear that the Hebrew Bible (763 BC – the Old Testament) was well acquainted with these 1000-year older Constitutions Hammurabi’s Constitution was a very harsh eye-for-an-eye justice approach, while Ur-Nammu’s preferred financial compensations for criminal acts

The Bible isn’t religion – as we’ve been taught Teaching tools of a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit taught us that leadership and essential civic behaviour was:

  1. Good – in actions and laws – in “Lord”
  2. Respect – for family, women, men, parents, children, and neighbours (The Golden Rule), and
  3. Creation – building; and shepherding Human Advance

The full list of Human Rights in the Bible is 18 items long, but the cherry-picked list that James Madison and other U.S. “Founding Father” slave-owners chose for the U.S. Constitution was half that, and Canada’s founding father’s adopted that Constitution – while not knowing any better

Where were the Bible’s Rights of a good Education, Homeownership, pensions, a living wage income, wealth distribution, economic resets, debt forgiveness, a good home, and other essential human rights?

FDR’s Second Bill of Rights restored the U.S. Constitution to a sustainable list of social rights that went on to create the greatest economy and society in history.

We call it the American Dream still today…

Income Inequity

Income GINIs of .32 enabled the greatest boom in history

His Second Bill of Rights became the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and EVERY nation that subscribes to it is succeeding today

Diefenbaker adopted these in the Canadian Bill of Rights of 1960, but we haven’t been taught this to our children and CBC hasn’t reminded us of this easy-to-confirm fact either

ACT updates Canada’s Constitution to a proven successful standard used by 83 advancing nations today

Most of the productivity and social problems that we see today can be attributed to Canada’s insufficient Constitutional protections – and to our voter’s low civics training

EVERY nation that uses the US subset of Human Rights is collapsing today – and collapses every 60-years once populations exceed 15-million in population

EVERY nation that uses FDR’s Second Bill of Rights corrections from both The Bible and the UN Human Rights Constitution, is advancing today

See: Constitutions

The Book & Global Leadership Book of Knowledge

Read more on humanity’s civics lessons in The Book – The Scientific Update of the Bible and GL-BOK (Global Leadership Book of Knowledge)

The Book - The Scientific Update of the Bible

Truth and Transparency

ACT only runs policies proven to create strong social contracts and economies.

A library of these Proofs resides at The World at our Hands report page here

Change Management

When a change is needed in our society, ACT follows a structured Project Lifecycle process (Sustain Project Management).

We assign a Project Manager, he documents gathered requirements from process owners and subject matter experts, his team designs a solution that is agreed to by all stakeholders, and then change is made carefully so that no-one’s basic needs are forgotten.

If everything was perfect today, there would never be a need for a change; when change is needed, we make changes within project managed best-practices.

Moves, Additions, and Changes (MACs) are monitored and reviewed, along with all other operational KPIS – with updates every five years unless monitoring proves that a sooner change is needed.

Today in Canada, when a law is cast, it is never monitored, and never revisited to confirm it accomplished its goals.

RESET & Balance

Mature Capitalisms are normally occurring imbalances between incomes and costs-of-living.

Mature Capitalisms are expensive, dangerous, and they are also preventable and correctable with responsible leadership.

We were never taught about these in school, and Micro and Macroeconomic theory ignores them and hides them too, but Mature Capitalism have repeated reliably every 60-years or so in history since monetary systems and capitalism were first recorded Past Mature Capitalisms Even the Bible explained the need of economic reset Jubilees – but unlike WEF’s  Neoliberalist sponsors, the Bible insisted on a restoral of economically essential homeownership

The Book – The Scientific Update of the Bible

In 1934, an Economic Reset wrote-down large percentages of the National Debt to most nations in Europe, and then FDR created the greatest economy in history by also RESETing inequality so that people could own homes, find a living wage, and lead good lives

Debt Forgiveness

Every major nation in Europe had debt written down in the 1930s to 1950s

Income Inequity

Income GINIs of .32 enabled the greatest boom in history

Zero Tax

Individuals and Corporations pay tax in Canada through an imperfect system that sees our most vulnerable citizens shoulder the greatest burden while creating enormous personal and national debt through deficits Look at this pie-chart of wealth distribution in the United States and then explain how it benefits anyone to tax the 40% (130-million citizens) who own nothing?

They own nothing!

Why does a nation employ legions of tax collectors to harvest money from nothing?

In Canada, we tax this low-income 40% group both at work and in retirement as well.

We pay for reports from Fraser, and similar Neoliberalist theory-based groups, to completely ignore the lost productivity that costs this nation $4 billion per day

And, you won’t see mention of corporate tax avoidance nor tax havens in these reports – as if these vehicles of wealth management known to every high-income individual, don’t exist.

In truth, these paid economists – amount to little more than paid liars

If taxation doesn’t work as it is today, are there other options?

After all, the UAE, Cayman Islands, Monaco, Bermuda, Kuwait, Bahrain, Kitts and Nevis, Oman, and Qatar, have no income tax at all. Closer to home, Nevada and Alaska charge no income tax the same The way these governments self-fund themselves is through part-ownership of monetizable assets. And this is NOT socialism – which is a scare word and relic of the McCartney era.

Every one of 210 sovereign nations today owns 20% to 30% ownership of their nation’s assets.

The U.S. owns the largest social-asset in the world, owing to its redirecting 53% of every federal tax dollar to its military, which actually is socialism ironically

The expense of a military is not revenue-generating and it operates at a detriment to the economy.

What if Canada simply got rid of today’s foreign multi-national corporations, and replaced them with a new group of wealthy locally-owned Canadian self-sufficiency companies that paid living wages and retirements to single-income families – again?

The most successful corporations might have a 10% allotment of wealth or income and product assigned annually – to provide for every Canadian.

This would ensure we can all be productive and work collectively to recover the $4 billion we lose daily to low productivity – unreported today.

All of this planning and policy works pragmatically toward our national goal of requiring NO INCOME TAX

Financial Inequality

Income and Wealth distributions have imbalanced in Canada, up 20% since 2010.

Energy poverty, housing bubbles, stock market bubbles, starvation wages, communications costs, double income traps, record inflation, and a long list of Cost of Living increases mean that tax rates have to change for the parts of our economy that have benefitted directly from everyone else’s worries.

FDR administered a 20-year program of 92% income tax and 80% estate tax for the rich – and we will revisit some of these policies.

The UAE has a zero Income Tax policy for citizens which Advance will also implement.

What is the point of taxing the segment of our population that has no money? Neoliberalists (Conservatives) ever-argue that the rich will leave the country and take their investments with them – should their taxes increase.

ACT works through this balancing act by preferring support for Canadian opportunity, ownership, intellectual property, jobs, and success stories.

L-Shaped Incomes

Income Distribution in High SC Nations

American Dream Wealth

Wealth Inequity dropped to .66 in 1944, at the start of the greatest economy in history

Income Inequity

Income GINIs of .32 enabled the greatest boom in history

Top Tax Rates

Historic Income Tax – Top Percentile

Inheritance Tax

100-years of Inheritance Tax – Top Percentile


Culture is important and must be preserved by every nation

A recent example of cultural vandalism was Canada’s woke abolishment of “Merry Christmas” in seasonal advertising and government correspondence.

“Christ” is not a man’s name, it means “anointing with oil”, a practice of all Abrahamic Religions and even more so with the Christian communities that founded North America

Switzerland has its Leiderhosen

Greece breaks plates

America has Thanksgiving

France has its Architecture

Italy has its Art

Home Ownership

The right to housing was recognized in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Canada formally agreed to comply with this right in 1960 when Diefenbaker ratified the Canadian Bill of Rights

Housing in Canada has reached a breaking point.

Canada has very cold winters and our people need reliable shelter young people, old people, any people – are feeling the stress of run-away rent and mortgage poverty

9000 people were forced to seek a place in Toronto shelters last Thursday alone. This is not leadership nor government, it’s anarchy – and it’s unacceptable in Canada.

There is no homelessness in Monarchies worldwide; this is a democracy problem entirely.

We aren’t the only nations in this jam – Spain, Australia, parts of the U.S., Britain, France, are all feeling the sting of low-interest-rate commercial investment, Foreign Investment, home speculators and flippers, and even money-laundering that combines to send the prices of private homes to ten-fold their 25-year-ago costs.

Trillions of private-equity dollars were permitted by Canadian governments to compete against our young adults who wanted only to start families and lives. The U.S. is set back to 1965 levels of homeownership. And the young are hardest hit by high tuition debt and starvation wages – on top of outlandish home costs. Home Owners owned homes 100% in our last great depression, the great majority of homes owned today are leveraged to their maximum by mortgage debt.

This means that actual homeownership is far lower than reported, and schemes like reverse mortgages turn over more ownership every year to major corporations – creating wealth inequality and low productivity nationally. Note how FDR’s 1941 income and wealth equality corrections kicked off 60-years of homeownership and economic boom. Income Inequity In 1982 the price of a home in Hamilton, Ontario was $30k and salaries were $30k to $40k; in 1985 the same home was $90k; and today it’s $600k for the exact same run-down three-bedroom starter home.

Salaries have changed little in this time.

Vancouver and Toronto are in the worst shape; rent and mortgage poverty is rife, as is usury; 75% of our take-home incomes go to housing when that number should be a comfortable 30%.

How does ACT Canada fix this?

Housing must be affordable for everyone. We live in a very cold country with February months dipping into -30c temperatures in most areas

1stWalk away mortgages – just like FDR’s. How else to deal with a million families forced to sign on to government-endorsed usury lending?

2ndFDI and commercial avenues to private real-estate need barricades.

Ask a realtor are families buying homes? NO.

Investors are buying and bidding up home values – while our media never mentions this!

“Small Government” policy destroyed the best standard of living in the world in Canada – and now our low 62% home-ownership rate needs smart policy correction

Housing is Unaffordable

Living Wage Incomes

Full-employment Policies ensure access to income.

In a monetary society, money is like air – so we all need access to income.

When major banks here cut 15% of their 100,000 worker staff over the last five years -and then denied male workers access to continue their pensions elsewhere.

Only social cost came to Canada.

Lost pension spending, unsustainable birthrates, a jump in suicide rates, spikes in slum lording and house-flipping – all became costs born by our society

When incomes do not meet cost-of-living (cost-of-living is housing, food, pensions, vacation, healthcare, phones, internet, etc.), freedom is lost and so is our social contract.

When incomes fall below cost-of-living, we experience starvation wages and our economy grinds to a stall due to the low productivity of our now-hobbled citizens

Canadian policies that work against finding incomes include on-shoring (Diversity hiring quotas) and off-shoring (Globalization).

Importing workers is frowned on by every nation in the world, and immigrating engineers is illegal in the Netherlands and most high social contract nations, and yet this is status quo in Canada where our most-foolish politicians brag about our onshoring programs – oblivious to the impact that this has on our economy

The Canadian Government’s LMIAs and Global Talent Stream programs are examples where large Canadian employers can easily prefer on-shored engineers, to paying for local Canadian workers

Reshoring and Nationalism are the corrective policies that reverse this problem.

For a library of sustainable policy – refer to the World at our Hands report at


Unemployment TEP

Education for All

ACT builds the same sustainable and successful capitalism that FDR did.

We need the best Education, Opportunity, Social Contract, Income and Wealth Distribution, GDP-PPP, Export per-Capita, and positive Trade Balances

These measures are scientifically causal to a reliably advancing economy – but our students are taught none of it; and, worse than this, our students are taught wealth theory in every social, business, and economic faculty instead

PROVEN COLLAPSE is all that we teach – and it’s all that we are taught

By investing in the training of highest-probability-of-success science, policy, and best-practice, ACT takes the guesswork out of good leadership to build good lives reliably for Canadians

Academia Clean-ups

Canada’s Doctors of Indoctrination

We live in a collapsing society today, while Bachelors programs have shifted from 3-years to 4; Masters programs have become multi-year; and Ph.D.s can take six years now

At the same time, staffing at major Universities have risen to 8,000+ while runaway education costs and student debt create a national collapse

This gets cleaned up; with science-only curricula (outside of Pure Arts) accountable to a successful society

There is poor leadership in academia – where non-expert committees elect conspicuously poor decisions with alarming regularity today

Education TEP


Canada assures two languages are taught across the nation.

Language is not a source of division, rather it is a source of national pride, and it also improves cerebral plasticity

Like music, language is an important ability that our brains come fully equipped with, but we don’t make enough use of this important “brain builder” in many countries in the Americas

In Europe, three languages are often the minimum for its students – and their cerebral capabilities appear very strong, so Canadian parents are very fortunate to be able to insist on two languages for their children – with the option to supplement other aboriginal and world languages as well

The languages with the most speakers in the world are: English, Mandarin (a very close second), Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese; and the Bible was translated into 700 different languages, so clearly our brains have an exhaustive capacity for communication that we all want to be making good use of

Computer Languages

If Canadians are going to be smart enough to free ourselves from repetitive tasks – like screwing light bulbs into refrigerators on an assembly line 24-hours a day, we want to speak a little “computer” as well. STEM is important to our human advance.

Most of us own an Apple, PC, or Windows computer or Android smartphone today. I grew up speaking English, French, dBase, Basic, C, PHP, Javascript, and now Python – which I learned at age 55, while I practice a little Spanish, Italian, Cyrillic, and Russian.

My brain now navigates most of these methods of communication, and the experience of learning a new language is a help in problem-solving and in building new systems that can connect our world and advance humanity

Our brains are amazing, so keep them busy, healthy, and productive

Both Sides of the Story

Can you remember when both sides of a story were represented in our Media?

Those days are gone in Canada

A single narrative dominates all reports today.

The power of politicians to steer media messaging approaches 1984’s dystopian level as lies, ideology, and politically approved messages are broadcast exclusively today

A truckers rally was reported 12-hours a day by the CBC as dangerous, violent, and criminal; when it was none of those things

Media has devolved into propaganda in Canada today. The demographic that still watches our terrible news programs in Canada, are taught to fear and dislike men; to believe the misreporting of very poor economic, social, and political performance; and, to completely ignore the fact that the government’s reports have no statistical significance an longer – not GDP, not Unemployment, not CPI, not Stock Market Reports.

“If you don’t watch the news, you are uninformed; if you do watch the news, you are misinformed”

Denzel Washington

Canada’s Prime Minister controls all Media in Canada with a $1.3 billion annual grant, and he has requested an additional $700 million this year The Ukranian War is another great example of “One narrative TV”. Have you ever heard:

  1. a CBC Report explain that NATO made a mistake when it put bases (and missiles) in the Baltics, just a few minutes from a nuclear neighbour in 2006?
  2. that Russia warned Ukraine and NATO for 8-years, that they need more than two minutes to determine a computer error before launching a full nuclear counterstrike?
  3. that Zelensky’s stepping down would bring an immediate end to hostilities
  4. that democracies are voting for irresponsible leadership – in the Ukraine, Canada, and other large-population nations

No. But, you heard instead:

  1. Zelensky is a rockstar politician; a David and Goliath story – who should fight on and win
  2. Ukraine needs to continue fighting a bully and oppressor
  3. Zelensky is a democratically elected government and therefore unchallengeable

A “Political Analyst” appears on news programs now, to reassure us that our Government is doing a great job, while never once making reference to a single scientifically important report

He or she is only there because we are all realizing that this news programming is lying to us, and that quality of our news programs are terrible.

News programs are actually taking time to tell us that their bogus reports are important

Important politicians advance nations, which means that our presently-elected politicians are far from important today

The Fact-tank that created ACT, also curates one of the largest econometric libraries – WAOH; so when we say that our NEWS has descended into nonsense now, we can prove it’s true as well

Media Clean-ups

Important measures get reported by an ACT leadership.

The COVID fiasco never happens again; men become protectors, providers, and family leaders once again; social problems are tracked and removed, so that Productivity can resume here again

Canada spends $1.3 billion annually to maintain poor leadership in media, so non-expert leaders will be replaced – with STEM experts who understand the importance of community and family values, and can work toward building a government-independent media in Canada – as we used to have.

Before the internet, newspapers could be independent and could support themselves autonomously

Education TEP

Sustainable Business Policy

1. Sustainable Business

Not all Business is good for Canadians. Businesses that drive a smaller economic “pie” for everyone, are better not to exist at all.

GDP is a poor measure of economy because bubbles are seen as a benefit, while social problems and productivity loses are completely ignored. Canada is at 1930s levels of production growth today, while losing 50% of our economy, with every bubble we have a name for – unreported.

2. Sustainable Capitalism

Herbert Hoover used Capitalism to create the Great Depression, and FDR used capitalism to create the greatest economy in history. Obviously, we want sustainable capitalism that builds Productivity and Opportunity, and we don’t want unsustainable capitalism that elevates Wealth to the detriment of all


In sciences like Transition Economics (TE), Production and Productivity build strong economies reliably; and Wealth collapses them. Only theory-based ideologies support Wealth Theory, which is the Micro/Macroeconomics theory taught by our Universities as well.

This is the reason Canada loses 63% of its economy today Leadership that builds productivity reliably respects our soldiers who sacrificed everything for our freedom and Good Lives Externalizing social costs and small-government deregulation are laissez-faire policies that help to monetize productions in a boom economy, when jobs are plentiful and opportunities are abundant.

But, the practice must be reversed in mature capitalisms like today for the benefit of our businesses, economy, and for Canadians

“Business” is not sustainable nor self-managing by design, and will always compete down to a zero-sum gain without regulation.

It’s the important role of government to referee so that a productive playing field is maintained. This responsibility of government is meant to correct and rebalance capitalistic forces once they begin to stall the economy, build dystopic conditions, and make us unproductive

“A rising tide lifts all ships”  – John F. Kennedy

Building up a strong, productive “Bigger Pie” economy, benefits both businesses and Canadians, while austerity programs in a stalled economy simply accelerate an already shrinking economy and social collapse.

Business is designed to be opportunistic and competitive.

Although stock market performance has no impact on an economy, many businesses drive unsustainable social cost downloading (externalization) for the benefit of profit and stock values that are 84% owned by the top-1% rich

The rich never feel the impacts of a shrinking economy, it’s the poor and middle-classes that do – and these are the 40+% of our population who are made unproductive by poor economies as well

Populist votes for peaceful change, are denouncing a government’s inability to create a high and productive social contract – because social instability risks both international investment and a nation’s reputation

Systemic Empathy is “Good”

Sustainable policies turned around Germany’s economy in the mature capitalism of the 1930s as they did in America.

That was, until the NAZI Party’s systematic failings of empathy undid any good that these policies built

Debt forgiveness, Cost of Living corrections, mortgage walk-away laws, SDG infrastructure, and most of the sustainable suggestions made in bibles too (see Leviticus 25:26), work to support a sustainably prosperous society and world-leading economy

Unemployment reached 70% in some parts of the U.S. in the 1930s, FDR’s empathetic Social Contract offered the balance needed to build a sustainably strong economy

The Marshall Plan added FDR’s Rights to the Constitutions of European countries where millions were starving and dying from disease after the war. What was the long-term impact of these changes?

Italy, Japan, and Germany are the only G7 nations with advancing economies today, they have six to eight weeks of paid vacation, full healthcare, daycare, free education (in many cases), lower taxes, and good lives – because of an empathetic Social Contract.

They lost the war, but won the peace – and its time Canada realized this now

Incomes : Cost-of-Living

Reducing national cost-of-living, relative to salaries, is critical to re-establishing balance and productivity.

This work takes a series of projects addressing the reasons for rising costs in every industry

Investment in Infrastructure, automation, self-sufficiency, and even profit-sharing with 20% ownership models play a part.

Germany owns 35% of Volkswagon and workers are also board members that approve all appointments of Executives based on track-records for sustainability and performance

Cost of Living

Cost of Living Imbalances

Multi-National Debt Forgiveness

Forgiving debt gave citizens a chance to walk away from unresolvable debt and insolvent mortgages in the 1930s- and it gave them a chance to be productive again

Canada, Spain, and Australia don’t permit this policy even though 400-people per week are made homeless in Spain since 2013 – and 5% of these people commit suicide.

Where corporations leave their financial obligations easily whenever there is merit, individuals are asked disproportionately to carry society’s debt

During the 1930s, nearly every European nation wrote down 20% to 250% of their GDP in National Debt. Croatia wrote down the country’s credit card debt last year and Greece is forgiven 180% of its GDP these last two years as well

Debt Forgiveness

Every major nation in Europe had debt written down from the 1930s to 1950s

Reset is a normal and responsible policy in mature capitalisms.

That we were never taught this as Canadians, is just one of many examples of our egregious poor civics training

Canadians are brought up by a nation of deceitful politicians and academics it seems

Promises of “Low-Tax” without production to cover costs created most of our national debts to a point well beyond any hope of repayment

Canada doubled its national debt by adding more than $400 billion in this past year or two.

Who is responsible?

We voters are responsible because we were gullible and irresponsible enough to elect the most unqualified leadership in Canada’s history

Debt and Inequity

Low-Tax Policy rose both Inequity and Debt

National Debt isn’t the end of the world obviously; it’s not a bad thing either to a certain extent – but at these levels, it’s going to take a ridiculous reliance on the cooperation of neighbouring countries to correct it


National Debt

Family Values

It takes 3 children-per-woman birthrates to grow any population, and it takes 30+-year pensions to ensure families can support themselves and the economy in retirement.

Single Income Families was the foundation for the American Dream and of the greatest economy and society in history.

Remember that there are 220 other sovereign nations, so the “Greatest in History” prize – is no small accomplishment

When Henry Ford invented the living wage, he also invented contemporary middle-class-driven economies at the same time.

Ford proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that single income family salaries must be higher than cost-of-living, and that they must afford all needs of a husband’s family – and his wife’s family as well.

Men who weren’t married, and not “Heads of Households”, could not ascend to senior salary positions neither in business nor in government – for this reason

Henry Ford Wages

Henry Ford’s High Industrial Wages created Prosperous Economies

Double Income Families are Traps because they squander pensions, and they allowed household incomes to fall below Cost of Living reliably, to Starvation or Slave Wages – a level that denies basic freedoms within any monetary society

Imbalance in Household Incomes

Unbalanced Household Incomes

Double Income Families create unsustainable birthrates; Canada’s was at 1.5 children per women today in 2016 – where 2.2 is sustainable and 3.0 is growing. Single Income Families – create birthrates of 3.0 children per woman

When Anti-family-values policy garner votes from women, we see an unscrupulous politician eagerly rallying behind a discussion that has brings 40-serious social problems along with it

Exports are Productivity

Export is what makes a self-sufficient country wealthy.

Today every government program in Canada that focuses on Export, spends tax dollars on a Scale-Up basis only.

Scale-Up is unsustainable Trickledown policy proven to rack-up debt, pad tax-havens, and benefit our economy not at all

ACT trains Canadians to generate wealth through Export and then we invest, not spend, taxpayer dollars that are then returned 100% after five=years.

This is the power of SEED and Greenfield investment that can scale to match the great opportunity of Canada’s abundant resources. Advance seeds ten-times the number of socially responsible Canadian-Owned companies, jobs, and executive C-Level roles for Canadian households too

Exports per Capita TEP

Exports per Capita – Causal

What did we miss here?

Message us at [email protected] to add your questions and join the discussion of a reliable turnaround

Canada has a Leadership problem

In scientific civics, policy determines advance or collapse 100%. Citizens of a large democracy must have the option to vote for advance – and the civics training to know when a group offers collapse. Collapse is a mathematic certainty in Mature Capitalism imbalances and this imbalance must be actively corrected

No Canadian has the option to vote for advance today ACT

Advance Canada’s One-Vote Turnaround runs proven-successful policies only. Decision Support for these policies is provided by the econometric science Transition Economics (TE)see WAOH for its Policy Library as well. TE takes a scientific approach to everything; when a policy is confirmed to create unsuccessful nations, Advance cannot support it – by Charter

Wealth-theory reports are GDP, Stock Market performance, U-3 Unemployment, and harmful ideologies Female Equality, Diversity, Climate, Gender Theory, and Racism are weapons of mass distraction. This “snow-job” permits unsustainable policies like Low Tax of the rich, Laissez-Faire deregulation, a 1.5% annual population genocide, starvation wages, no family pensions, dumb-down, sexism, racism, Globalization, and Open Markets – to collapse us

ACT Political Party Certifications

Reliably Abundant, Prosperous Good Lives

This is a critical time when Canadians must vote-out a mediocre Leadership …

Stop voting for the collapse that your TV trains you to ! ACT !

VOTE for Advance

The Advance  Right Plan

Successful Policy and Expert Leadership builds a successful nation 100% – while unsustainable policy collapses a failing nation the same. Sit down to read the ACT website with a Timmies coffee, and prepare to make important changes. Why? Because voting for the status-quo while the greatest country on earth is torn apart by unsustainable Right and Left politics, is socially irresponsible. It works against your family, your community, nation, and you

Autonomous Self-Sufficiency is our “Moon Launch” today because automation has reached a point where we can reduce the cost of road maintenance, welfares, many constructions, to zero cost with the next 20-years. This takes a mountain of work, focus, and leadership – but our right and left governments plan for none of this self-sufficiency. Aristotle’s “Right Plan” built this Transition Engineering as CSQ Research’s Worthwhile Industries explains

Advance’s One-Vote Solution ensures a Bright Future 

Worthwhile Industries

Compare Canada’s 2019 Federal Election Parties

Not a single political party offered provably successful policies in Canada’s last federal election – and the same was true in Provincial elections too. Scientific Societies (citation: The Scientific Societies Programme , MEMS & WAOH Econometric Library) need policies that can advance both society and the economy provably – without guesswork.

A good home is an essential Human Right – especially in Canada’s cold winters, a good job with a living wage must be ensured for everyone; and family values are essential to sustain any population. We at Advance know which policies are important because we mandate the use of sophisticated Data Science tools that confirm our decisions reliably lead to the success of any nation.

This means that common sense must be performance managed. Housing and Infrastructure administrators must be able to stop harmful Immigration when no infrastructure can permit it – for just one example that we completely fail on today.

Advance Policies” are simply good leadership that shepherds the essential Canadian values of good (systemic empathy), respect, and reliable human advance!

A global mature capitalism means that our responsible, well-trained voters need to take a nationalistic self-sufficiency focus right now.

FDR created the greatest economy and society in history from a Great Depression. Let’s do this again now!

Canada Federal Election 2019

Vote only for Sustainable Policy – anything else is Socially Irresponsible

Author and preeminent Civic Scientist Edward Tilley is President of the Canadian Advance Party. Edward is a Mayflower heritage 400-year Canadian family patriarch and community leader who founded and curated the world’s Public Civics Library, and one of the very few Global Leadership Faculties in North America and Europe: The Scientific Societies Programme

“Join me in restoring Canada to its former self with a proven plan for advance alongside the greatest economies in the world today. Let’s begin an era of renewal, turnaround, and prosperity in Canada. Let’s make today’s the “Greatest Generation” again with policies proven to rebuild the Canada of my childhood – which really was the greatest country on earth” – Edward Michael Tilley


Your Donation to The Advance Party gives every Canadian a credible vote – and the highest probability of a prosperous future. Tell two friends about ACT today!

The Advance Scientific Approach works!

Advance Works! – Advance builds an economy just like any successful casino does, where every policy has a higher-percent-probability and track-record of success

The 2011 Brad Pitt movie MoneyBall explained a scientific approach very well. With trillions of transactions daily, nations that choose policies with a higher chance of success must succeed reliably as a mathematical certaintyMEMS A.I. for Schools at CSQ Research

Civic Science is Truth

Transition Economics’ Socio-Economic Library “World at our Hands (WAOH)” sequences every policy (20,000 reports in all) so we can easily identify the policies that offer a higher probability of a prosperous and advancing economy and society. CSQ Research’s MEMS Double Your Economy Challenge Program takes the guesswork out of public policy for 200 countries, and Canada is no different

Become a Member

Voter participation in Canada is among the lowest in the world at 50% federally and at just 43% in Ontario’s recent election; while Belgium’s is 88% to 95%. Why is this true? Could it have to do with Right and Left parties both failing Canada equally for the past 20-years?

Both Right AND Left parties support unsustainable policies, so a legitimate argument can be made to say that it is socially irresponsible to vote in Canada today

An econometric survey of policies by all parties proves that we can only vote for collapse

ADVANCE’s sustainable policies ensure that every citizen has a responsible vote that leads to a great life in the greatest country in the world

Advance’s approach is KISS – we “Keep It Simple”; we don’t weaponize meaningless terms and we do report both the problems and proven solutions that are essential to our success. We’re Canadians of character with traditional values, we’re never sexist, ageist, divisive, racist, lying nor opportunist – and we want our leadership and Canada back now …


Political Life

Proven Turn Around

ADVANCE is an Epistocractic “Leadership by Experts” political Party, created in thesis by a leading researcher in Global Leadership. By Charter, Advance Parties are absolutely democratic, expert-led, and – most importantly, can only support scientifically proven-successful policies and Constitutions

Watch the 2011 movie Moneyball to understand how a quantitative, evidence-based scientific approach is a game-changer

A century ago the policies of the Roaring 1920s created the Great Depression. We believed in unempathetic Neoliberalism: rugged individualism, cold indifference to the problems of others, and division between right and left. The unemployed just needed to work harder, family values were old-fashioned, small governments ensured no financial governance, business was king and deserved laissez-faire, and slogans of “a land of liberty and freedom” in open markets were encouraged

An economic reset and the reversal of these failed policies in the 1930s and 40s, made us all productive enough to create the greatest economies and societies in human history

In the late 1970s, after 35-years of economic boom, 1920’s economic theory was once again supported by annual billion-dollar media campaigns – to make us forget these hard-learned lessons. We began voting for the same shortsighted policies and collapse all over again, until today we are back at the lowest levels of production growth since the 1930s – unreported by politicians

In econometric science, a trinity of values build successful nations reliably:

  • Systemic Empathy (Good –  and good lives- assured by Law),
  • Respect (the Golden Rule), and
  • Creation – building; and the shepparding of human advance

The rest is ideology – not values: feminism (left), neoliberalism (right), NAZIism, etc.

The Bible is a civics textbook that taught these essential lessons with metaphors and teaching tools of a Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

We also need to understand why this textbook also warned us against lying, because today’s Right and Left ideologies – neoliberalism wealth theory and diversity, create proven collapse and also a national genocide of 30% of population in 64 high-income countries – every 20-years

Evidence-based Economics (see TE) are computer science that prove Productivity builds strong economies, while Wealth Theory collapses nations (Micro and Macroeconomics, Accounting, and the tactical business curricula taught by our Universities)  reliably. GDP reports, Trickledown, Supply, Demand, Finance Accounting, Labour, Profit, Cost, Right of Contract, Starvation Wages, Low Tax for the rich, is meaningless Wealth Theory, lying, and collapse See citation

Can you remember when Businesses built great economies and societies? Schools don’t teach nor support that today

And now for the truth …

Economies are high-transaction systems, so when politicians support only policies with a higher probability of collapse, any nation must collapse. When we can only vote for groups that support highest probability of success policies, we advance. It really is that simple, so why are we voting for collapse?

Trump’s Right versus Left theory is nonsense; division is weakness and there is only one “side” – it’s Advance! Our proven-failed Constitution, no Standard of Research, and less-than-poor civics training, all amount to our vote collapsing us further

Based on today’s Right and Left policies (see below) – and by the messaging taught by our TVs and schools, Canada will continue to collapse as a mathematical certainty 

Vote for Canada’s advance again- Vote for ADVANCE!

Who are we?

Canadian soldiers risk their lives for our future, but today we can vote only for embarrassingly weak leaders and unscientific political groups that actively hide our collapse. “Stand on Guard” is right in our anthem, yet voting Right is a vote for Neoliberalist collapse and voting Left is a vote for a genocide worse than WWII Poland. Our low 1.46 fertility levels cause Canada to lose 30% of our population every 20-years today unreported

We cannot vote for advance

Canadians are taught “spin” (how to think) and ideology by our media and also by our schools: The Bible is not religion, it’s the second 1,000-year update of the world’s oldest known Constitution, the Code of Hammurabi from 1,763 BC 4,000 years ago. 800 Constitutions are based on the Bible’s Human Rights, which were observed successful over 3,000 years of civic rise and fall. The civics lessons here are absolutely scientific and Franklin Delano Roosevelt is the greatest leader in democratic history because he corrected James Madison – a slave owner cherry-picking rights from this Bible to protect his “property”

FDR was obstructed ceaselessly until he finally had to use executive powers to install the Bible’s full list of Rights to Americans. His Second Bill of Rights corrected income equality, homeownership, opportunity, education, healthcare, pensions, and economic resets that built the greatest economy and society in history for the United States – for 40-years. But, that wasn’t all …

His United Nations Universal Declaration of Rights was added to the Constitutions of Italy, Germany, Japan, Austria, Netherlands, Hungary, and others after WWII

ALL FDR Democracies have advancing economies today; six weeks of paid vacation, they have lower tax rates, more services, lower inequality, great healthcare, pensions, great free education – even in university in many cases. Their higher Social Contracts enable them to  lead the world in productivity and good lives

ALL nations that adopted the U.S. “Owner and Financial Slave” Constitution, collapse into mature capitalism every 60-years when populations reach 15-million (smaller democracies can self-correct) just like Canada, Britain, France, Brazil, and others

Instead of learning about FDR’s success, Canadian schools taught us to vote for politicians that don’t report problems; that’s the first step in solving any problem. “Everything is terrific, so vote for us”; it’s all we hear – and sadly we have no option but to vote for this nonsense

ACT is different; ACT explains problems – and we explain how policy must change to be successful – safely, to protect us while ensuring our success scientifically. We don’t give hundreds of millions of dollars to foreign multinationals (scaleup trickledown) and we work through setbacks transparently too

ACT is the only socially responsible vote on the voter card today

We all vote for policies that make us feel good, but we can’t vote for one or two policies. We must vote for a list; a Constitution of (twelve and more) proven policies

Advance corrects: Cost-of-Living, lost Living Wages, 1.6-million fewer jobs since 2008, highest suicide rates in the G7, lowest production growth since the 1930s, inaccessible Home Ownership, the ticking time bomb of defunct Family Pensions, inflation, a genocidal 30% population loss supported by a grossly misled female vote and reprehensible political media manipulations. Why is “Merry Christmas” is no longer permitted?

Canada should be the UAE of the North!

Poor leadership and absentee planning define Canada, while countries with less of everything boast higher productivity, better lives, affordable housing, and a much brighter future. The UAE has one million citizens with nine million non-citizen migrant workers, a 43-degree sand bar, and has one-quarter of Canada’s entire economy – because it SEEDs; because citizens can be productive

Canadians live very differently despite every resource imaginable here. Our PM flies 300-staff to a neoliberalist economic convention called WEF every spring; to align with an economic power cabal of non-experts and non-leaders that even the scientific Bible’s storytelling called “the Beast”

In science, Productivity builds strong economies (Social Contracts, Living Wages, Good Lives) while Wealth theory collapsed 62% of 207 economies before COVID.

Canada loses 63% of its economy today – unreported. The reality today is that Canada’s Wealth Theory SCALE-UP (aka Reaganomics’ failed “trickledown”) and leadership failings, collapsed us before COVID – unreported and hidden

COVID is now the longest epidemic in history – and our Media is clearly culpable of fear-mongering and a national disgrace

There was no vaccine for the Spanish Flu and yet it was gone more quickly than COVID. Science – teaches proper isolation protocols like a COVID-FREE Islands Strategy – and ADVANCE also plans for the autonomous provision of all basic needs to keep Canada self-sufficient at all times too

Within COVID-Free zones, citizens live normally, work, play, socialize, and go to school freely, without masks or worry – just like the COVID-free Vatican which is surrounded by a hard-hit City of Rome. A virus lasts 14-days without a host, so lockdowns only affect COVID zones for a few weeks – not years!

Highways were open every day in Canada, carrying COVID from infected Zones to COVID-Free Zones easily – and without logging. Now we have to ask is COVID being extended to become the false excuse for our economic collapse? Most nations are done with COVID within months: New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, on and on

Leadership and Planning?

Can you remember a time when Canada had this? In a large democracy, the majority do not feel the problems of millions of others, but we all still share the cost of those problems. Democracies have to be protected from problems ignored by Constitutions because $4 billion is lost daily to our economy – unreported!

Why do we give our only vote so carelessly?  Why do we follow TV’s instructions faithfully – despite our country’s obvious collapses and poor leadership now?

Very nice, well-meaning, untrained politicians create collapse just as assuredly as does corruption from criminal intent. No benefit can come from Canada’s descending to the economic levels seen in Greece, Spain, Britain, and Venezuela. The U.S. is collapsing as is Canada. Read Dickens, Hugo, Orwell, Lord Byron, Hobbes, and Rousseau to understand the landscapes that mature capitalisms create. These are the lessons we should have taught in school so that we never have to see collapse in real life – that our young people are seeing today

Vote for Advance – Now, is the right time …

The Advance Party of Canada

ADVANCE Canada – Our Mission and Vision

ADVANCE Canada builds successful nations – reliably. Here’s how we do it …

A Strong Social Contract

Canadians don’t want our kids – to look forward to living in their parent’s basement for a lifetime. We won’t have our neighbours starving and freezing to death in back alleys. We want what other strong Social Contract nations have today; we want home ownership, six weeks of paid vacation, a respectful workplace with interesting, challenging, and socially responsible and worthwhile work, a pension and great healthcare system, with friends and family close.

Proven Economic Turn-around

The most successful economies in the world balance capitalistic profit with strong productivity-enabling Social Contracts. Self-reliant countries are impervious to international monetary concerns – and can focus on improving lives from an advancing economy. Local automation of our basic needs is no threat to any country with a strong social contract, and automation is essential to our national self-sufficiency and freedoms as well. ADVANCE Parties don’t spend, we invest – in infrastructure that can grow and support our good lives

Affordable Home Ownership

Capital doesn’t mean money; it means an investment that grows in value. A herd of cows is capital because 10-cows make 30-cows in a few years. Affordable homeownership was a cornerstone of FDR’s successful capitalism. It forced savings, equity, affordable retirements, and even provided “title” that could be borrowed against to create new businesses – increasing the productivity of a nation and economy

Strong Trade and Foreign Policy

Above we discussed that the SCP Report shows that Canada’s low Social Contract losses $4 billion dollars a day, or $1.1 trillion dollars a year, in trade revenues. Trade builds wealth; Sweden is 1/22nd Canada’s size, with half our production in lumber exports. Canada has Uranium, Resources, Energy, Food, Gold, Ice Wine, BioTech, on and on. We don’t sell our productions profitably today – but ADVANCE will insist that economically essential productions find SEED investment. Investment 101 – NO SEED; NO HARVEST! This is why a 1-million population sand-bar called the United Emirates rivals the best economies in the world? LEADERSHIP, and of course generous SEED and opportunity for all of its citizens.

Canadian Culture and Family Values

Single Income Families policies create birthrates greater than 2.2 children per women. Today our birthrate in double-income family policy is 1.43 – unsustainable. We take on debt to afford educations which don’t promise salaries sufficient to start our own families and homes. What’s wrong with that picture? Everything. Family Values is ensuring our kids have choices, and we hope that a lifetime inside a cubicle isn’t one of them. Canada is a vast place available for sports, summer cottages, and opportunity for personal achievement – but only when Canadians are vote for policy that permits and protects one of the greatest cultures in the world


Education is causal to an advancing economy. We want a world-class education that we can afford, and Canadians want our own families too – at a young age so that we don’t have to choose between family or school or career. When our families arrive we want access to secure family-friendly neighbours, neighbourhoods, and schools. We want to have what our grandparents had – and the ability to help the world with what we’ve learned and developed here – because clearly, we “got our act straight” here at home first.


Mailing Address: The ADVANCE Party of Canada First Canadian Place, 100 King Street West, Suite 5700, Toronto, ON. Canada M5X 1C7 North America:  289-834-0072 Email Us at CSQ Research

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